This is the perfect game to play on the go, because you can save anytime you want, the maps are easy to read and the plot don't usually interrupt the gameplay, also the level design has enough diversity to make it a consistent joy. Sadly, the history is quite generic and a bit confusing if you don't follow the path the game intended for you to take. I never expected a complex social/economic comment, but I mean, the objective of the villain is to conquer the world, you can't get much lower than that.

The first chapter of what is obviously the passion project of a very talented developer. Maybe it is because I come from a streak of disappointed games, but I really enjoy this one. It is a simple puzzle adventure with a neat gimmick and a sweet plot. Looking forward to the rest! (If it really comes, haha)


You know what is my problem with this game? This feels like the alpha of "Himno: The Silent Melody" and when you see it that way, a lot of things makes sense, the useless sword, the movement, the exp system, the difficulty, the procedural generated scenery, these are all elements of a rogue lite game, a genre of which "Himno: The Silent Melody" is part. I played the demo of that game just to be sure, and definitely feels that way. I don't think making use of that resources is bad, but I think it is bad to try to past this incomplete game as an independent "Relaxing game", specially when that title doesn't fit well in this experience.

This is the embodiment of the phrase "It's hardly a game". I like that the game exist to prevent these tales (Which are good) to be lost to time, but I don't like that this could be an illustrated book, and it won't make any difference, and I don't say that as a hyperbole, the gameplay is a tale (A screen with text), you see a statue, and then you move to another door where other tale will appear.
Honestly, I'm sad, this could be a great opportunity to use the medium for something interesting. Hell, even putting the tales in a book IN GAME would be better, but the feeling I got was that they didn't even try to make something with the medium.

An intriguing idea and a decent voice actor, but honestly, nothing more. It's a game with only one puzzle, so it relays in the plot and the plot are a couple of notes and 6 endings, of which half say nothing important, and the rest are a couple of lines max. Also, what the hell with the goofy menu sounds? I swear, I don't want to be mean with an indie developer, but it's just... lacking.

It's definitely a beat em'up. It has a lot of weapons, simple combos, bad sound mixing and one of the most generic plots you can imagine, but has something going for it to make it stand out: It has probably the first incarnation of the modern Quick Time Event, two years before Shenmue give it its proper name. I wish more game had QTE in the way This game does it, because most of the time, if you fail them is just a minor annoyance with a funny scene and if you succeeded, you save resources (Time and health) while watching a cool action sequence. In short, this game is a little history curiosity while not being that big of a deal.

This game isn't subtle about its message, to the extent that makes you deal first with the consequences, before really grant you the power to change the outcome, and I think is a good thing, because it really helps to put in perspective the problem and to show how simple actions can go a long way to help someone you love. Maybe can be too blunt to some (I also have my nitpicks here and there), but honestly, sometimes is better to simply speak about something instead of burring it under layers of metaphors or symbolism

It's simple, short and clearly has a lot of limitations due to the experience of the author, but a think the execution is great. For a free 15 - minutes game, has a couple of moments that really stuck with me ¿It's a must-play? Nah, but if something in it interested you, give it a try

It's alright. A short point and click adventure with an intriguing premise, but one that doesn't get explore as much as it needed, so the result can feel a bit shallow. But hey, it's free and visually striking.

For what it is (A 2D interpretation of the first level of a 3D game), it is great, a very good translation of the mechanics while also taking in consideration the changes of the format with things like the double jump for the new vertical movement. I think my only complaint (Outside the obvious limitations) is that the parry should be on an independent button to prevent the often misses that happen when the enemy moves, and suddenly you're supposed to do the parry in the other direction

If you like Radiohead, go for it! Otherwise, it is like any other museum, in the sense that if you are not a fan it can get boring, even when it is visually outstanding


Criticized a game like this is hard, because it is a tribute to a tragedy and the goal is only to tell that history, as such, it relays in as simple of a gameplay as you can get (A walking simulator), so don't expect anything groundbreaking gameplay wise, but what you can get is a really beautiful humanization of the people that the world lost on March 11, 2011. Give it a try, it is 15 minutes long and free.

Play it alone, and it's worth the 10 minutes it last. A good idea, nothing more

I'm gonna be honest, it's not worth playing. It's probably the worst aged game on the entire Metroid franchise. You can make excuses for the first one (Because of that) and Super was a masterpiece, but this one is just... boring. Fighting primely metroids is a good concept, but falls flat the moment you have to defeat more than one of each class, the second time onwards there's no surprise or challenge, is just another number needed to progress. Also, this game would be 10 times better with a map, because good luck trying to understand what to do if you stop playing for a couple of days

The game is fun and was groundbreaking for things like the use it gives to the Quick Time Events, but it is clearly intended as the introduction to a saga and therefore feels incomplete, especially on a narrative level, because (without going into spoilers) it ends in a giant "To be continued." All of the above makes it difficult to recommend if you are only interested in playing this game for the milestone it was at the time and are not interested in the entire saga.
Also, the camera and balance segments are garbage haha.