You know what? I have a few issues with the game, but after finishing it I can't stop thinking about it, maybe that's why I find it so difficult to write this "Review" and maybe that's why so many people are so passionate about this game. It's bold, it's unique and very ambitious for the console it's in. One moment can (and will) make you laugh and the next cry. Sure, some things, like the combo system, can be better explained and some segments, like the attic, can be tedious, but I can promise you this: When the credits roll, and you saw the ending, you will know why I refuse to tell anything. This is something that is worth experiencing yourself.

This game is the pioneer of a genre, so it has many flaws. It is hard to tell when you fail, the difficulty is inconsistent, and the final segment of the last song is quite unfair. However, what it lacks in gameplay, it makes up for in style - from the menus and cartoon cinematics to the art style and, of course, the music. This game is a beautiful display of charisma. Even though I suck in rhythm games, I had a great time, and ultimately, that's what really matters.

15 minutes, and it's only dialog, so don't expect more, yet the plot is really good, and the art style is unique. It won't change your life, but I really like it

It's a gacha, so be careful, but with that being said, this is honestly a pretty good game. The gameplay is simple but compelling, a turn based RPG that doesn't fall in the typical mobile grind thanks to a linear plot and some good designed bosses, while also being easy enough to play on the go. The story I played (Jarilo VI + a couple side quests) was surprisingly deep even if I don't like how it ends, the characters are easy to like thanks to a good writing/voice acting and a couple of them have optional content that you may like more than the main plot (Shout out to Pascal). Honestly the only problems are the ones tied to the genre, microtransactions, battle passes, resources, etc. As a result, the game demands a lot of your time and that's why I stop playing it, not because I get bored, but because I want to play other things. So again, great game, but be careful

I'm surprised on how little this game differs for its predecessors, sure, you have a few new things like the power blows, but the core gameplay is basically the same, to the point that if you are a casual player, most of the changes would be imperceptible, this isn't necessary a bad thing, but doesn't give you a reason to play it if you have another DOA, outside of maybe a campaign, which isn't very deep (Specially because of the open ending) and all over the place, at least I can say is amusing. In short, is a fun game, but one with very few reasons to recommend

This is a very honest fighting game, every character has basically the same tools with unique characteristics, so with solid basics (Attack heights, counters, grabs, etc.) you can probably choose any character and win, but that also means that the skill ceiling is very high, a couple mistakes and you are out, so you really have to think to win, especially in team battle were your partner can heal if you switch, the result is a very engaging experience, one that doesn't surprise me to be so fondly remembered.
If you are here for the campaign, I have to warn you, the plot is a mess. Each fighter goes through 7 fights (6 + final boss) with some cutscenes between them, which may or may not be connected, the result is a barely coherent tale with some (Gen Fu for example) and a series of nonsense with others (I'm looking at you Ayane). Even the final boss is only relevant in like 3 of all the 12 fighters stories. The bright side is that each is like 10 minute long, so it isn't a lot of time and well, at least you can say it tries to make something more than the typical fighting game of the time.
Also yes, this game is full of fan service (Just look at the CG galley), be careful if that's a turn-off, otherwise, enjoy

So much wasted potential... when this game is adapting the manga/anime is fantastic, the animations, music, voice acting are great, even the gameplay is diverse and fun, but the second the mobile BS enter, everything falls apart. The tutorials are annoying, all the requirements to improve a character are clearly bloated to make money, outside the adaptation, the gameplay turns to a repetitive series of fights and fetch quests, the original story is too low profile and inconsequential to be interesting. Fuck, not even the gacha is well done, who the hell thought that a 0.6% chance for a good character is enticing?! Specially after banning people for doing reroll (I know they regret that, but the damage was done). Look, I would love to pay for a version of this game with only the manga/anime parts (And maybe the cinema minigame), but the sad truth is that this game is doomed to die in a few months, because is unable to gain gacha players with its greedy rates, and it can't maintain the OPM fans for the simple fact that this game isn't what most of them want.

Rez is a very deceiving game, for the aesthetic alone you can believe that is a relaxing and easy game, then you play it and learn how chaotic and intense it is, which can let to a lot of frustrations (Specially for the vague tutorials), but then you try again and is not so bad, specially because if you know what to do, there's a lot of "Threats" that you can simply ignore. So at the end of the day this game lives or dies for your patience/interest in the concept, and that's why I can understand this being a masterpiece to some, while being nothing more than a frustrating and pretentious experience to others. For me? It was fun, but I don't plan to play it again haha


You know this game is fun, even if you haven't played it yet, you know it is fast-paced, violent and light in plot. So just let me tell you a few things that surprise me, for better or for worst
First, the fact that full screen blocks you to that window (Unless you trick the program) is BS and makes the option of borderless completely useless. The fact that you can't skip logos at the start is annoying. And the position of the terminal button can make you press it in the heat of the battle (Which is a problem).
Second, for a game so focus in violence, it is really fun to explore for secrets, specially because the map always tell you where the things are, just not how to get them. The only problem are some levels that block back tracking without warning.
And finally, I'm surprised that I haven't heard as much praise for the progression, because it is excellent, in every level you feel like you are discovering, unlocking or trying something new, that being weapons, weapon mods, runes, powers, enemies, bosses, etc. There's always something exciting to do, and no every game can say that, so I think that deserved a bit more love.
A great game and a must-play if you like shooters

It's freaking fun, but it has some issues (Camera, lack of ending and other little annoyances in the gameplay) and barely had a plot. Still is more than impressive for a game made in a week, and if you played the original Celeste you'll find more of that great and addictive level design.

This is way better than the teal mask. A more compelling plot, a more interesting setting and a real challenge. Kieran is one of the best characters in the entire game, and it's a real shame we don't have voice acting, but that's a problem with the base game, to be honest, most of the problems in this DLC have that in common and very little can be done about it. I think they really offer something great, despite the circumstances.

It's fun but is only half of a complete plot and unless you want to 100% it can fell a bit shallow of content. At least Ogerpon is cute

It's fine. The visuals and the music works to create a good eerie ambient, the gameplay is simple yet just enough diverse to keep you playing, and the plot goes to some interesting places, the problem is that the game doesn't excel in neither of those aspects, with little annoyances in each of them (Stock sounds, hard to see visuals, some puzzles and a plot that needed a chapter before the ending). You won't regret the hour that it last, but it won't change your life

5 minutes. Visually unique, but not much more since the plot is all over the place

It's a mix bag. On one had, it's visually stunning for such a small team and the plot is quite refreshing, even if had a few flaws. On the other hand is a very simple puzzle game, so nothing exciting on that aspect but something that can make you want to take your time, so the fact that the game lacks a save system can be a bit frustrating, even if the game is short