The game is over a decade old and you can still hear praise for it today. Its existence is notable and deserves to be play, even if it has more of a problem in terms of gameplay.

The Stanley Parable is a master class of the unique narrative possibilities that this medium has. It makes one wonder, if this game can do so much just with the walking mechanic, what else is possible?

I really feel like they didn't even try to make something interesting and that's sad. Feels like they think "Just put a few minigames, It's a game for children after all, they don't care"

Portal is the embodiment of how to execute an idea, simple, without padding and funny

Here's the thing, technically is a perfectly funcional game, but that's the problem, doesn't have soul, nothing in this game is worth of mention, it's a combination of proof concepts under a recognizable name

If you are gonna play some Need for Speed, play this one

Nowadays there's almost no reason to play this and no the original release

I'm weak for this game. It just hit me at the right time

To this day, Half Life 2 does things that i wish more game do

Yeah, is the worst between the 3 fates, but is still a fun game if you turn your brain off

I don't remember why i try this in the first place, but is pretty bad. A confusing, frustrating, repetitive and broken mess


For a NES game, try's a lot of things, but, surprisingly is an extremely repetitive game

It's funny, because, sure, it's not good, but is more interesting that a lot of Atari 2600 games, makes me wonder what this game would look like if it had a few more weeks of development.