My bias for deckbuilding roguelites aside, this is a simple concept executed perfectly. The natural progression of complexity and the nail biting close calls result in a satisfying experience from hour 1 to 100.

It feels weird to complain about a game that so clearly succeeds at everything it sets out to do. The few grievances I have are clearly intentional design choices and not incidental flaws, but they frustrated me regardless. If you can get past the jank, the combat slaps, so if that's what you want in your ARPG, it's at least wortha shot.

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What even is there to say? FFVII slaps, FFVII Remake slaps, and this continues that trajectory breathlessly. The few gripes I had with remake are remedied here, and the more open structure while still having distinct chapters for the story really allows the player to hone in on the parts of the game they like best. I cannot wait for the finale of this trilogy, but I'm still mad they got me with killing Aerith for the second time.

An ideal endless multiplayer experience, this game is bogged down by the struggling servers and the fact that there is very little to enjoy when playing alone. Democracy never dies though

Honestly, the story is the slowest part of this game. Once you complete the main scenario, the gameplay switches to what is functionally Monster Hunter, and that's where the real good stuff lies. I do wish the player could get that feel without the story in the way, especially since arranging for multiplayer when you're still playing the story is a nightmare.

Hard to fully review a game that isn’t even out of early access, but my thoughts thus far: Holy Shit, they did it again. Hades was a top contender for GOTY back in 2019, and honestly this might be definitively GOTY for 2024.

I completed the game upon launch, but with the season 4 rework, I got sucked back in. This game has consumed my life and yet I regret nothing.

I love the Diablo series, but this might be the weakest entry in the franchise. Still, the worst of a phenomenal bunch is still a pretty great time.

Wow, what a banger. I knew what to expect going in and I still got immediately hooked. The gameplay loop is so viscerally satisfying that it is so difficult to put the controller down and call it a night.

They just don’t make them like they used to. I cannot fathom why, after this absolute delight of a game, Nintendo decided to simplify the partner system and basically remove all the memorability from these characters. The devs manage to squeeze so much out of a seemingly simple battle system that I still wanted more after completeing the game about 35 hours in.

A classically-styled JRPG for the ages. The “HD-2D” art style has been perfected by Square at this point. The presentation is phenomenal, the voice acting is much improved, and the combat is even more engrossing than ever. My enjoyment of this game was only hampered by some mixed pacing and some ludicrous difficulty spikes