Probably the one game in most need of a remake. The narrative in this one is super strong, and even makes the first game way better, but unfortunately it's hidden behind one of the most grindy and cryptic RPGs ever.

Honestly really good when you know where to go/what to do. Probably doesn't beat the other two imo but the atmosphere and music are crazy good.

This actually might be the most difficult game I've ever played and it is without a doubt, a good contender for one of the worst. All of the difficulty is totally artificial. Every death requires a restart from the very beginning of the game, enemes do insane amounts of damage, missing certain key items might as well require a restart (how the hell do you beat the second boss without the stopwatch?), and boy is the final level total bullshit. a nearly 90 second walk across a collapsing bridge, forcing you to take hits because of the bats, and fighting a miniboss then a 2 phase dracula. Don't play this, ever.

Terrible. Couldn't finish this one. At least the sequel has the camp going for it, whereas this one doesn't have anything positive about it whatsoever. The controls feel very stiff and the maps are so small that you will see a lot of the same areas loop over and over again while you search for the remaining enemies. Not fun/10.

This is an old review from my GG account

A great little RPG especially considering the time at which it was released. Overall, the game does a lot of things right and really strives to separate itself from the other RPGs from this time with such elements like seeing monsters on the field (most of the time) rather than just randomly encountering monsters and a almost good story. The story tries to do things a little differently by trying to be a bit ambiguous with it’s morality but these ideas are left a little underdeveloped and ultimately devolve into typical convoluted fetch quests that are so prevalent in most of these old RPGs. Despite this game’s issues, I still think this is a game worthy of attention for fans of this kind of stuff. The atrocious voice acting really creates a beautiful charm for each of the characters (my favorite being Giles as great value Humphrey Bogart) and giving the impression that the actors had the passion for the game but just lacked the skill to deliver a decent line. Since this is not only my introduction to the Dragon Slayer and The Legend of Heroes series, but also to Falcom in general, I’m very curious to see how this refreshing style of RPG develops with more polish and technology advancements.

Super interesting game here. Mix of fighting game and basketball game, with a little story thrown in, decent music, and phenomenal character design from the legendary Takehiko Inoue. Wish it came out outside of Japan so more people could discover this but oh well, check it out please!

Literally the greatest driving game of all time.

One of the most interesting and unique games I've ever played. Wish my Japanese was good enough to understand the story, but this game has all the charm to make up for it.

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Quite possibly one of the greatest OSTs ever. The gameplay not so much.