9 reviews liked by JLMetak

not that horrible, also not that fun but it's ok, i did enjoy the weird vibes and the spinning rat named cecil in the inventory

didn't have a massive amount of fun playing this but i respect it for being a pioneer of gay furry fetish representation in video games

The original music in this game is honestly some of my favorite in the classic series. The whole game really goes way harder than it needed to.

as we all know, video games are art. just because the art made me feel bad doesn't mean it's trash or thoughtless.
that being said, fuck this rotten asshole of a game

I think what makes this one stand out as even better than the already really good base game is the way it taps into the same primal mystique that motivates us to put characters into games they shouldn't be (be it official bonus modes or fan mods) and works that into both the game design and the story. Plague Knight is an outcast, both in a narrative sense where they're shunned by the local villagefolk and forced to live in an underground lab and in a mechanical sense where it is abundantly clear that the main campaign's levels were not made with them in mind. Sometimes it's in the sense of unintentional side effects of a character with drastically different attacks, movement physics, etc. like many such cases in Propeller Knight's stage and other times it's parts of levels hard coded to not work like they did in Shovel Knight's campaign such as the flying bushes in Specter Knight's stage and the rainbow bridges in Polar Knight's stage. However, while this might seem like something that only works to Plague Knight's detriment, it also leans the other way around. Plague Knight's sheer quantity of movement options allow them to cheese many platforming challenges that would have given the cerulean coward trouble and the increased range and spammability of their attacks makes cheesing bosses even easier. Controlling Plague Knight feels like controlling a character modded into a game they very much weren't supposed to be (ex. that Sonic Generations mod from a while back that allows you to play as Mario 64 Mario, complete with their very specific movement physics) and also playing the role of the cartoon mad scientist character that Plague Knight is clearly riffing on; never having a chance of winning if you play fair and square but instead getting success through being a cheating bastard. The world wasn't made with Plague Knight in mind but goddamnit if they aren't going to hang on by any means necessary.
Also, Plague Knight and Mona are yuri to me.

neat game but some of those categories are really 80s america, like why is there a category for GUNS in a chill family board game?? anyway you haven't played this game until you play on hard mode multiplayer with a fan of this game and another beginner and experience the terror of purgatorium for two (2) hours as puzzles all start to repeat and it becomes a matter of who can recognize what answer starts with the two specific lines that get drawn to immediately make a guess, way before it resembles anything you would actually recognize

En vrai pas fou hein, mais ca m'a amusé quand j'avais 5 ans donc tant mieux

En vrai de vrai, y'avais des idées interessantes, genre y'avais des phases de vol en avion, de fps, de plateforme 2d
Aucune des phases était bien, mais on salut la tentative