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This game was surprisingly fun and whilst there was no voicelines or any obvious story, the game managed to tell a pretty compelling story merely through the items that you were unpacking. You got to see the life of the protagonist through the years, through the items that you were placing, from childhood, to being a student, having a boyfriend, then having a girlfriend, presumably getting married, and finally having a kid. Somehow the story was one of the most compelling parts of this game which I honestly didn't think would have a story at all, let alone a sapphic one. I'm honestly pleasantly surprised by this game. Very wholesome.


The base game consists of a retelling of Dagon, one of Lovecraft's early stories. It was essentially a point and click adventure but I didn't mind that, I think it was a good method of telling this story. Very short and interesting. The trivia was cool aswell as it covered aspects of Lovecraft's life and info behind the story that you wouldnt otherwise know.

Fun little game that consists only of one drawing with 100 cats hidden in it, really easy to complete but still pretty fun. Found 99 pretty much straight away then the last one took me a couple mins.

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Cute little puzzle platformer, a little morbid in places but quite cozy. It follows a little Juggler girl being controlled by a puppetmaster who goes on an adventure and eventually learns to break free from her controller and live her own story. The environments and artstyle was really nice and really fit the game well. The puzzles were a bit unclear at times and I had to look at a guide a couple of times but all of them made sense retrospectively. Overall a pretty enjoyable short story.

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Remedy does it again. I loved this game. I've been wanting to play it for years, and I'm really glad I finally got round to it. The multimedia aspect of this game, whilst at first offputting, ended up being really cool and the live action episodes giving an insight into a side of the game that you otherwise wouldn't, as well as building a supporting cast that wasn't obviously visible in the main game was incredibly cool. The story was really interesting aswell. Time travel is always a risky topic to try to depict, and it is more often than not done poorly, but I would say this game did it really well. From the made up science to support it all, to the hidden connections that link everything together, the story was really well constructed and bolstered by the little hints and nods hidden throughout the collectibles that really helped to tie everything together. The combat was really satisfying aswell, maybe not as good as Control, but unique in its own ways. It felt pretty responsive and the gunplay felt quite smooth which not every game manages to capture. The abilities were all cool in their own right too, however I don't feel like they all flowed together quite as well as they could have, making some fights feel a bit messy gameplay wise but I don't think this overly brought down the entire experience. The first 4 acts were incredible in both story and gameplay, especially act 3/4 (I can't remember whoops) with the ship crashing into the bridge, that just felt really cinematic and amazing to play through. The ending felt less polished but still pretty cool. The fight with Serene ended up being a bit underwhelming but this always felt like more of a story game so I wasn't too bothered by that, what confused me was the very ending though, with Jack stuttering(?) a bit and looking like he was in pain. I assumed that would be expanded upon but then the credits rolled and the after credits scene with Hatch seemed to be setting up a sequel more than explaining what was going on there. Unfortunately I don't get the impression that we are getting a sequel anytime soon since it's been 8 years and there seem to be troubles with the ip ownership anyway. 100% was pretty straightforward, just had to replay the game on hard difficulty and pick the opposite choice at each junction. Hard mode wasnt much more difficult, everything just did more damage and you pretty much had to go for headshots. Overall, very good game.

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This dlc had been built up to so much in the other dlcs, and even a little bit in the base game, and whilst I very much enjoyed it, I do have a couple complaints. The environment was really cool once again but it was definitely the most linear area we've had to explore so far, and the story was a bit hard to follow to begin with. Also there were no side quests. The whole expansion was working your way towards the previous Courier 6, who had some promised answers for you, that I never actually got. I think I ended up getting a bad/mid ending as I decided to sacrifice ED-E, whilst in retrospective I probably should've nuked the Legion. The mechanic of using nukes to open new areas was pretty funny and it was always enjoyable to blow shit up. That little extra area to explore was really cool aswell, and whilst I was pretty scared of the Deathclaws, I enjoyed having to be more tactical to survive it, insane amounts of ammo aswell.
tl;dr: too many deathclaws 0/5.

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This expansion had so much talking, honestly I think I loaded into the expansion and spent the next 30 minutes talking to the floating brain guys. I think that ended up making the dlc more interesting though as once you make it to Mobius, everything that you heard suddenly starts making much more sense and it all clicks together. The environment was probably my favourite in the game as I really enjoyed exploring the area, and partaking in all of the small experiments that had been set up. Finding all the Sink personalities was quite fun as well. I think this expansion was probably the least serious of them all, but I enjoyed that it was a bit more tongue in cheek and wasn't overly serious, but then again fallout never is. Probably my favourite dlc.

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I really enjoyed this expansion, the initial area in the Villa was one of my favourites to explore, and the enemies actually scared me a lot to begin with, until I had geared up a bit atleast. Having to build your heist team up was really interesting and choosing how to interact with each character, and the consequences those relations would have after getting into the casino was quite fascinating to see. I think the second half of the dlc where you are in the casino was really good aswell but not as strong as the first, and the ending with fighting Elijah and the vault wasn't overly special. As a whole though, this dlc was very good.

Whilst not the first dlc chronologically, it was the first one that I stumbled into. In terms of the environment it was set in, I think it was really interesting and possibly more enjoyable to explore than the mojave as it was pretty different and visually stunning in places (for 2011 atleast). The setting was fairly interesting with all the tribes but the storyline didn't pull me in that much as it was fairly standard. Overall an enjoyable dlc with some decent gear.

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This is the first fallout game that I've played for more than a couple hours, and I very much enjoyed it. The setting, whilst visually bland, was really interesting and kept me engrossed in the universe, and whilst the main storyline was not the most interesting, it did have aspects of mystery that kept it interesting. On top of that all of the side quests were great and incredibly enjoyable to just explore the Mojave completing quests as you stumble across them. I think the exploration in this game was really good, and it never really felt like a chore as it does in some other open world games once you get to the latter part of the game. Whilst the gunplay wasnt the most satisfying (I don't think fallout games are really known for that anyway), the variety in weapons made up for that and I enjoyed testing out the many weapons. There was a good variety in enemies aswell, many of which actually scared me to face until I got stronger, apart from the Deathclaws, those scared me throughout the entire game, suffice it to say that I left the quarry until the very end of the game lol. I ended up siding with the NCR as the Legion were awful, and the final questline for the NCR was quite interesting but nothing overly special. I just literally nuked the final boss. Overall, a very strong base game experience that I enjoyed greatly.


A very charming little puzzle game. The artstyle was cute, the story was endearing and enjoyable, and the gameplay was quite unique. The idea of creating the map you move around in by moving pieces of the map around is a very interesting idea and honestly they did so much more with it than I expected. There were 10 chapters and I believe that every chapter had a new mechanic to do with the map pieces, and all of these were pretty unique and cool, except for chapter 9, that one was annoying. Honestly though I was pleasently surprised everytime I started a new chapter and the new mechanic was actually interesting. The story was entertaining and very easy to follow, it follows a little girl, Carto, seperated from her Granny and trying to find her way back, and in the process going on quite a few fun adventures. I'm very happy I played this game, even if I did take it pretty slow.

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Quite a cute and endearing little game. The art style was very enjoyable and the story was quite interesting. The gameplay did lack variety a little bit but overall it was still quite satisfying to me. The story they told between Rani and Becks was pretty cool, if not a little unclear at times. I think this game is unfortunately a little queerbaity. I really felt throughout this that Rani and Becks relationship was more than platonic but the game never really clarifies on that. To me though, it felt quite obvious and there seemed to be hints so in my head they were a couple. It was kind of refreshing to see the cracks in the relationship and how they definitely cared about each other but seemed to have differing priorities in places.
The story seemed to be an analogy for environmental destruction and I think they told it pretty well, there's definitely more there if you think into it but I didn't think that aspect of the story was that impactful.

This game was incredibly nostalgic to play again. I think this was the first video game I ever bought for myself with my own money, back on the ps3, and I played it so much but I don't think I ever 100%'d it. Unfortunately it doesn’t have steam achievements but I got an internal 100%. Honestly I think this was the game that laid the foundation for my love of lego games. I used to consider lego games to be a quilty pleasure, but honestly there's no guilt playing these games now. They are such charming and enjoyable little games that don't suffer from any of the major problems plaguing the gaming industry.
Playing this kind of makes me want to watch the Clone Wars tv show which I believe this game is based on. Maybe I will eventually.


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I really enjoyed this game. It was a cute little exploration game with charming graphics and lots of incredibly cute creatures. The story seemed to be about a civilisation that had been too ambitious and moved through a 'gate' to a new world, but by the end the story revealed itself to be more of a friendship story, of trust forming between you and the little green creature that accompanies you throughout the game. The ending was cute and made me smile and the implication of what was actually through the gate was pretty cool. This game had an incredibly satisfying movement system, and each new ability unlocked was really cool. This was a very impressive game for an indie dev, and it definitely reinforced my love for indies.

I hate to say it but I did not enjoy this game nearly as much as I hoped I would. Whilst the story was quite interesting, the whole experience was weighed down by how frustratingly hard/annoying the combat was, especially after first encountering the flood. Like seriously, why did every fucking flood have a rocket launcher? How is that supposed to be fun? I found myself dying a lot but compared to Reach it was much more frustrating as the combat did not feel balanced, especially when you're supposed to be playing as some genetically modified super soldier. After a certain point I gave up trying to fight every enemy and just tried to avoid combat as I wanted to actually finish the game. I don't know if I was just not in the right mindset to enjoy this game, but unfortunately, I didn't.