Ol' Skool Brawlerz

"Some" of my fav punch-a-tons, kick-a-thons and slash-a-thons in no particular order.

Anime Resident Evil
Bonafide classic. Upon further inspection, music isn't as cool as 1's.
Isn't as crazy as Spike Out above but it's simple enough and engaging to fool around plus a pretty cool story. Exploration is the key for the REAL big dick brawling.
I haven't played the Ninja Gaiden Chuuuuu doooe for 360 so I'll put the less coked up first game here for now.
Coolio rpg brawler
Controls are the best of the series and introduces Street Fighter 5's Lucia Morgan.
Samurai Resident Evil
Same deal as Peace Keepers with alternate paths. But not a single cop in sight.
NES version better
Delinquent protag in a Yakuza game. Pretty cool.
One of the more polished brawlers mechanically. Depth doesn't necessarily come from how many times you punch a dude. Brutally hard but satisfying. Multiplayer fun as fuck.
Another Coke-fiend classic on dreamcast.
Created by a coke-fiend
Japanese version better.
Alternate paths out the ass and vary per character. You get a color editor for all players and enemies. Music is nice too.
Ryo, what are you doing on that boat?
Good remaster of a good remake of a pretty bare arcade game.
Samurai Resident Evil: Get Good Edition
The protags of River City Girls get shot.
One of the most polished 2D mashing-a-thons on arcade. Looks nice and plays nice. Plus, lots of dudes to choose from.
Music is jammin'.
Coke-fiend game with more characters
I can customize my character to look like that one guy from Nickleback
China's finest offerings.

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2 years ago

The Ninja Warriors Once Again!

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