Ol' Skool Brawlerz

"Some" of my fav punch-a-tons, kick-a-thons and slash-a-thons in no particular order.

I haven't played the Ninja Gaiden Chuuuuu doooe for 360 so I'll put the less coked up first game here for now.
Good remaster of a good remake of a pretty bare arcade game.
Isn't as crazy as Spike Out above but it's simple enough and engaging to fool around plus a pretty cool story. Exploration is the key for the REAL big dick brawling.
Samurai Resident Evil: Get Good Edition
One of the most polished 2D mashing-a-thons on arcade. Looks nice and plays nice. Plus, lots of dudes to choose from.
Bonafide classic. Upon further inspection, music isn't as cool as 1's.
Delinquent protag in a Yakuza game. Pretty cool.
One of the more polished brawlers mechanically. Depth doesn't necessarily come from how many times you punch a dude. Brutally hard but satisfying. Multiplayer fun as fuck.
Samurai Resident Evil
Controls are the best of the series and introduces Street Fighter 5's Lucia Morgan.
Another Coke-fiend classic on dreamcast.
Anime Resident Evil
Coolio rpg brawler
Coke-fiend game with more characters
The protags of River City Girls get shot.
Ryo, what are you doing on that boat?
Music is jammin'.
Created by a coke-fiend
Same deal as Peace Keepers with alternate paths. But not a single cop in sight.
China's finest offerings.
NES version better
I can customize my character to look like that one guy from Nickleback
Japanese version better.
Alternate paths out the ass and vary per character. You get a color editor for all players and enemies. Music is nice too.

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2 years ago

The Ninja Warriors Once Again!

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