2 reviews liked by Jack_in_the_Nox

I have finished this game 12 times.

12 times.

And completed every single quest in the entire game.

One of the best games ever.

Gather round, kiddies, and let me tell you about the time I pre-ordered Starcraft: Ghost and then found out that it wasn't going to ever be released... and then the store I pre-ordered it from closed.

Fast forward 15ish years and an unfinished (understatement) version of the game leaked and I finally got to see what could have been!

You play as Nova, the "Ghost" (military with telekinetic abilities, in short) in a 3rd person stealth/action shooter.
Giving the benefit of the doubt - the version of the game we can see was a work in progress - but it really does look like it was shaping up to be a game I was not going to particularly enjoy. Did 2006 really need another Metal Gear Solid/Syphon Filter/Tom Clancy style game? I guess we'll never know, but that's definitely what it almost got.