Great pc port. I loved replaying it again and think its one the best games out there

Very enjoyable game but very repetitive. I got sick of the combat after 10 hours and just rushed through it so I could see the story through to the end. I'd recommend it on sale

A game I hold so dearly. Played it over and over again when I had no money as a kid. The best atmosphere and story in any GTA game. It's my favourite game ever made never get sick of it.

In my opinion this is Telltales magnopus. Can't wait for season 2.

Very impressive for a game made by 4 people. It's a huge blast to play with friends and is one of the very best survival games ever. Best $/€ 15 you can spend and it goes on sale for $5 which is what I paid for it. highly recommend it I can't put it down.

3rd person action at its finest

This review was written before the game released

Amazing game and very addictive. just needs more maps and characters then it will even better.

Just finished replaying this for the first time since it came out. It holds up very well in my opinion.

I can not stress how amazing this game is. I'd suggest going into it blind if you can.

Finished it last week and really enjoyed it. Not worth full price but worth it if you have gamepass


Forbidden Siren made me not sleep for a month

Way better than the first game! It's a shame it is stuck on ps3 to this day, with how popular superheros are now this game would do very well on PS5/PC

Best 3rd person shooter ever made. Only downside is you can not skip cut scenes which makes multiple playthroughs annoying