Much much better then the 2d Wii U game.

So far I'm 15 hours in and I want to love it more but its held back by annoying things.
1. There is waaaay to many enemies coming at you at once. Even more then Dark souls 2 its very annoying and tedious when you have to fight 20 enemies at once, with Mages and Archers on you as well.
2. The bonfire system I'm not a fan of. There are main bonfires and then there's ones you can put down with a consumables. The problem this can cause is the run to the boss is very long and your getting swarmed by tons of enemies while your trying to climb a ladder damaging you.
3. The performance is all over the place on every platform. Because this is a Unreal engine 5 game, it suffers from stuttering and other issues.
4. The co-op system is Disappointing,You get 30% less souls then the host and you can not pick up loot or carry over the progress to your world.
5. Combat is fun and satisfying. With smooth movement and dodging.
6. Lastly I'll just say some of the areas are stunning and I love how the areas are layed out with the 2 world system. Its by far the best aspect about the game.
Its a game I would recommend on sale and has some patches.
I will update when I finish the game.

had a hard time getting this to Run on my pc since its on unreal engine 6. But worth every second I spent on it.

stunning Japanese game design

Amazing game but 1 has a better story and I prefer the pacing of that game.

Makes starfield feel like a game that came out 10 years ago. Amazing DLC that makes the entire experience even better with a deep story with new characters, Weapons, vehicles etc.
Can't recommend it enough

Re3 is a very good game in the series, It is short but it has some great moments and fun gameplay through out.
I manged to beat it on Hardcore mode in under 4 hours and only died maybe 3-4 times in my playthrough. I also found that Nemesis wasn't as intimidating as Mr X from RE2 since most of the interactions with him are just scripted or QTE segments.

Its a Bethesda game and if you love the games they make you will enjoy this. Its got some amazing quests and location but most of the design is something we have seen 10 plus years ago. Like you talk to a NPC they tell you go to a entirely different planet to kill or get something for them. So you are constantly in loading screens and having to deal with brain dead AI.
Its a enjoyable game for the most part but I just can't not but feel disappointed by its structure. I hope when ES6 releases we see a shift in a huge leap towards Ai and how quests are made.

One of the finest RPGs ever made. This is a Belgium masterclass, we stan Larian studios

Solid ARPG. Tons of content and replay value.

I need what ever they are cooking over in Japan

An absolute immaculate video game. I had a smile on my face the whole time. It’s better than fallen order in every single aspect