As difficult as this game is, I still love the original Castlevania. Yes, it may have some clunkly elements. However, the overall joy and satisfaction I get from playing this game greatly outweights any issues I have with it. It's quite forward thinking for a game released in 1987. Even with the game's more archaic elements like knockback and extreme difficulty, it did a lot of interesting things that weren't super common in games at that time. There were different items and upgrades you could get, various bosses at the end of each level, and a health bar that made the game a bit easier to get through. The graphics and music are top tier for a 1987 release. Every song is a banger, and this was probably the best soundtrack in an NES game at that time. Castlevania is drenched in horror movie tropes and aesthetics, and it's a super unique look for its time. However, the game also doesn't sacrifice color for spookiness. This game is really visually appealing, with lots of bright oranges and blues. Despite this, the jagged architecture and decaying walls still gives the vibe of a scary abandoned castle. One of my favorite parts of this game visually is when you can see Dracula's castle in the background of certain levels. It's adds so much atmosphere to the game, and it serves as a warning of what's to come. And like I mentioned before, the gameplay is super satisfying. It just feels good to hit stuff with your whip. For those who are more adventurous, there are also plenty of secret items and treasures hidden in each level to keep you busy. So, it gives the game some nice replay value. The game definitely has its hard moments, with some of them bordering on unfair. The final Dracula fight is especially tricky, and the knockback can be a pain during those platforming sections in the higher levels of the castle. With that all said, this game is still a classic and one I plan on revisiting many times in the future.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2022
