Very similar to the first spiderman game, not that that's a terrible thing, but do feel like I basically just replayed the first one. Still, a joy to swing through a 1:1 recreation of Manhattan and explore it. Enough variety in the gameplay types to keep it feeling fresh while playing it. I think the narrative is slightly weaker than 2019's Spiderman, but the characters are great and do have good moments. Combat feels better.

All the side mission/collectable types either are the same or weaker designs than the original which is a shame seeing as they constitute the majority of the game. Enemy variety is about the same as the original which is good for only having humanoid gang enemies.

Would've preferred more supervillain fights as they were one of the main highlights of the original. Having the side missions just leading to fisk saying hi was boring af, compared to previous side-missions leading to optional supervillain fights.

Other than the combat i'd say every aspect of it is the same as original or not as good which is a shame, but still enjoyable, especially if not played the original.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2021
