Honestly surprised how little I enjoyed this after people were raving about how unique and innovative it was to the rogue like genre. Honestly nothing in there that I haven't seen before. The main mechanic I assume they're talking about is that you build the "dungeon" that the character automatically runs through rather than the usual other way round. Trouble is that other games have done this better where the gameplay is still actually fun, rather than mindless. The narrative and world is cool, has really nice ideas there and the gloomy art style fits very nicely into that but honestly I spent all of the time playing waiting for the gameplay to get good. About as engaging as a cookie clicker game.

The best piece of design is there is the combos between the tiles creating new tiles and if they'd focused on that more than I'd have enjoyed the game as that would've been really fresh, but as it is, coming up with that mechanic and then only using it for a small amount of cards is a tragic waste of a good idea.

On the roguelike range between "Can beat the game first try" and " have to grind loads of runs to have a chance of beating the game" where the sweet spot is in the middle, Loop Hero is right at the grindy end, expecting you to do run after run of the same boring gameplay for a chance of getting the resource you need to upgrade your base.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2021
