Fun with friends for about 10 minutes and then you'll kinda wanna move onto something with a bit more variety and style behind it.

This is flash-game level pinball and its not even that good either. Flat tables with boring designs. This is dross.

This is just Quantic Pinball (which I also gave 1 star) with a slightly different skin .. Tables are same which means the tables are still flat, boring and dull.

While theres quite a lot to like about Luftrausers in its complete arcade mentality, it just suffers from being balls-difficult and having very little in the way to unlock and find. This basically makes it perfect for quick 5-minute blasts on a handheld like the Vita but on PC or Ps3 its a game that just gets tiring quick.

Honestly not as bad as a lot of people made it out to be but its not exactly groundbreaking either.

Its a pretty average sandbox GTA-style game with a hacking gimmick that leads to some pretty fun side activities along with a host of interesting ways to traverse around levels. As usual with Ubisoft theres some minor RPG mechanics, towers, collectables. A lot of the usual fun to a point but fairly generic stuff. Story is involved and full of twists and turns but all the characters kinda suck which pulls a lot of the care out of it.

And thats my main issue with the game. It just feels pretty generic at times. Sure its fun but you wont really remember much of it once you've finished other than 'Huh. That was kinda fun'.

Watch Dogs 2 feels very much like a two steps forward, two steps back approach in regards to the original game. On one hand, the hacking and stealth mechanics have been given a huge boost, thus making main missions feel a lot more fun as you're given a lot more options as to how to approach a mission.

On the other hand, while theres a lot of options, some are more overpowered than others leading you often to just Spiderbot everything unless forced otherwise.

This give and take happens in all other aspects too. The map is much more fun to traverse thanks to brighter colours and more diverse areas... On the other hand there isnt enough to do in the open world. It just feels kinda empty content-wise.

Story-wise the characters are SO much more engaging than the original... Just a shame the storyline isnt as good thanks to a total lack of focus causing the main villain to basically come into play only 3/4's of the way through.

So yeah. Watch Dogs 2. Better than 1 in some ways. Worse than others. Same score.

Urgh. I enjoyed the first two games but this is a mess and almost every issue is completely down to the 'Be anyone' mechanic. Unlike the first two games, you dont have a real set playable character. Instead you pick from a selection of NPCs and make your way recruiting anyone you can find with each person having different skills and abilities.

This could have been something good if missions took multiple team-mates into account, allowing for oceans-style heists and such... Instead no. Its one character at all times and all it leads to is you using only one character most of the time unless you have a very specific scenario to clear. This is doubly-compounded by some abilities being completely game-breaking to the point where you can just skate through most levels without a single sweat.

Because of the fact theres no set lead character, it also means theres no room for anything plot-wise to stick. No character development, no relationships. Guess you gotta fanfic that. It doesnt help the core plot is half stolen from the original game, the other half plunges itself so far into sci-fi territory to the point where the semi-realistic feel of the first game has completely gone out of the window.

Overall just an incredible disappointment of a game.

Eh.... Its cute I guess.... I cant bring myself to really say much else about it though. Probably because it doesnt really have anything else to say for itself either.

Funny for all of five minutes, then just clunky and button mashy.

Im honestly not sure why I played this as much as I did do. Its just very weird and full of very offbeat humour thanks to a lot of plain flat-out obscure mechanics and scenarios. Very odd.

A fairly competent take on pinball mechanically but in reality all the tables are just kinda dull and lifeless.

While I liked the ideas being this game and some of the humour is pretty on-key, it does fall into silly late-90s adventure game logic a little too much where you're just rubbing every key item against every other item around for progress sake.

Sure it pokes fun at this too but generally when you want to parody something, you kinda wanna avoid being the very thing you're parodying... And this falls into that camp too much.

Im still weirded out that Atlus brought out both this and Spud's Quest for the Game Boy only a few months apart from each other. Apparently Atlus presumed the world was in dire need of potato based gaming on the go.

Oh yeah this is supposed to be a review of Amazing Tater. Its fine. Its a pretty basic sokoban style puzzler with a couple of fun mechanics to keep it from being too stale. Its still rather average though.

I feel by simply just porting minigames from the original with the minimal of changes, it kinda ruins the point. Had there been any time or effort made to make the minigames feel relevant to the touchpad, then maybe there would be a good game here. Instead its too easy and simplistic to keep anyone entertained for long.

Some say Castlevania doesnt work as an arcade game.... I disagree, theres potential to make it work...

Just Konami's implementation of it sucked thanks to cheap enemies who dole out massive amounts of damage and a main character that has the walking speed off a sloth. Sure theres some pretty graphics and decent music but you'll never see or hear most of it outside of using cheats or watching a Longplay. Just go play actual Castlevania and you'll feel much better.