Some decent ideas, some funny FMV scenes and occasionally fun but its all kinda let down by some really poorly designed levels that often manages to be claustrophobic and maze-like in a bad way. Theres some fun here sandwiched between the door and key hunting but you feel there could have been so much more.

Not really a game as its more of a art tool but I feel its so close to being fun it hurts. If only it would allow more places to get images from and allow some more custom content from better sources, then it would sing. Here? Its a bit of a once and done thing.

Yeesh. Awful glitchy graphics, buggy gameplay, muddy controls. This tried to be like Megaman 9/10 but just fell so hard on its face. Oh very dear.

I dunno. I generally like the Darius series but I found myself severely underwhelmed with this one thanks to the level design not really being up to scratch and feeling like most of the game was content for the sake of content. I kinda prefer quality over quanitity.

Honestly just freaking adorable in every single way. You just wanna give Noobow a huge hug. Sure its rather basic and short but oh well.

Theres some interesting and fun puzzles here but holy hell.... For some reason all the movement in this game is so off-putting and vomit enducing that you dont really want to get to those good parts.

Tonight on my youtube channel, im going to show you how to get carpal tunnel syndrome with just one easy trick. Just click click click click until you cant feel your hand anymore.

Im sorry but what is this difficulty. Most puzzle games generally have the good grace to build you up to take on tough puzzles. This just bitchslaps you around the face from the start and doesnt let up to the point where you'd rather play something where you can actually make progess occasionally.

A decent idea of a game but one that feels rather half-baked. The lack of content is a big killer but the balance issues that just make playing as the Zombies feel like a chore is worse. Ignore this, play the sequels.

I dont get the hype behind this at all. Did everyone who claims to love this series skip this part and go 'OH BUT ANIME CREEPY'. Its awful. The art is clunky, the lack of any type of CG art is frustrating and there's the bigger that the plot GOES AT A GLACIAL PACE. The writing here is so snore-worthy its ridiculous. Do I want actual mystery, suspense, worlbuilding and character driven plots or do I want to read about childrens games for 4 hours straight before a single piece of actual plot develops?

No just no. If you want to get people into VN titles, dont direct them here. Find them something with actual substance and less trash filler.


Magus is a mess. The graphics are clunky, the AI is braindead, the level design is barebones and the controls feel awkward and slidy... But stll somehow it still manages to be vaguely entertaining.

Sure its entertaining in the manner that bingewatching a reality tv show is, in that you know damn well how bad it is and that you could be doing so much better. Oh well.

A fairly average Ps1-era platformer with some decent graphics, fairly ok gameplay based around character swapping puzzles. Theres nothing all that memorable here but its fun enough to last a few hours.

This honestly feels more like a tech demo than a full game. Only one level with very few enemy types and a unbalanced set of guns makes for a very short and very dull experience. Just got buy Call of Duty and play the zombies game-modes and you'll have a much better exprience.

A rather basic racing game that doesnt really have enough going for it to make it worth playing. It doesnt exactly do anything all that wrong but theres nothing thats done well either. Its just a bit clunky and dull.

Its bog-standard baby basic Blackjack thats kinda functional and thats about it. Outclassed by literally everything up to and including 'Casino', another Atari 2600 game thats usually in the Atari compilations.

The only reason to ever touch this is if you happen to own the Xbox One/Ps4 versions of the Atari Flashback collection as theres a fustrating as hell achievement/trophy incorporated into doing well on it. So yeah.