Clunky controls, confusing storylines that go nowhere fast and a cliffhanger ending that will never be resolved. This is really only for the most sadistic of SWERY fans.

I honestly feel like im getting nam-style PTSD every time I hear the guitar riffs and first line of 'That' song...

WELLLLLL he ain't my boy but the brother is heavy!

dies inside

On a more serious note - Dead Rising isnt a bad game but just one that seriously needed more work on it. Weapons feel random, survivor AI is braindead and some of the difficulty walls are severe and brutal to the point where it just isnt fun and yet... Theres still a lot to love... From the silly Capcom-style melodrama plots, to the mishmash of survival, photography and dynasty warriors weapon spamming. Its memorable, quirky and fun... again... despite those moments...


Cute, fun and breezy little pokemon spinoff that manages to tick off a lot of boxes. Feels like it needs something more to make it work though and you often cant help but feel you're just digging donuts into the screen.

Watching youtubers play this in edited clips is more fun than actually playing it yourself.

Short, sweet and does the job just right for under a pound. Very nice indeed.

Theres something kind of.... Unusually off-putting about this one. Its hard to describe why but the combination of the new art style (which is very much more miss than hit) along with the new full voice acting just kinda removes a lot of the more eccentric charm the other titles have and makes the whole package feel rather cheap.

I guess its fine if you ABSOLUTELY need more WarioWare in your life but I would probably try and find one of the others to play instead. You'll have a much more memorable time.

This is clearly a game that was made to show off the technical capabilities of the TurboGrafx/PC-Engine in regards to how big the sprites could be. Unfortunately they also forgot to make the game playable in any form thanks to having a horrendously slow movement speed and controls that feel unresponsive and dumpy.

Oh and despite the 'BIG SPRITES', the game still manages to look like a total garbled blurry mess. Avoid completely.

Cute, funny but far too one-note. It sometimes feels like a joke that went on far too long.

Its basically just a demo so theres only so far I can really score this thanks to a lack of features and replayability in comparison to the main core series. It does its job of hyping up the main event well though. I do kinda wish both this and Case West were available outside of Xbox though.

A fun little quick Dead Rising jaunt for those who wanted a little more story and chaos to play with after DR2. Unfortunately much like Case Zero, its short length and lack of replayability does harm it... though the option for co-op funsies and small pricetag does stop those negatives from being too much of an issue.

Meh. Its basic breakout and while its nice to have Mario feature and have the occasional Mario themed level design, there just isnt enough content to make it worthwhile.

Maybe im missing the point but generally I feel a game needs something. Music, graphics, gameplay, a plot? This game has none of that and is so stripped back to the point of pointlessness.

As an older indie free game its fine but honestly for a game with such clear BDSM and sadomasochism themes, I was kinda expecting something a little bit more difficult?

A rather sweet little platformer that manages to tick off a lot of boxes thanks to some rather charming characters, short but mostly well designed levels with a rather basic but fun set of designs. The game as a whole may be a little short and easy, some of the presentation is a little messy and the 'Boss' encounters are pretty bad though.... Even with these setbacks, if you happen to like your platformers, theres a fair amount to love here, even if that love is on the limited time side.

I literally made a USA xbox account just to download this and I still have no idea why I went to that much effort. Its just really plain and drab. Yeah its functional and occasionally fun but mostly its just full of slow autopilot meh-ness.