I bought this for £1 from a second hand store (boxless). I think I would have preferred to buy a bag of sweets instead. I think its just me but virtual gambling of this nature just feels pointless and unrewarding. It doesnt help that the graphics, sound and general design feel slapped together and lazy.

Basically a kid-friendly version of Sony's Rollcage series. Its not a bad racer as such but its kid-friendly mood means the game never challenges at any given point. The track design is colourful and full of pretty things but never do you get any really memorable circuit designs. The same go for the early-2000 Jetix style characters.

Its not an awful game but just far too easy and feels like its missing something to make it actually memorable.


On a gameplay level this probably doesnt deserve as low of a score as this but on a moral level it sure does. Theres such a painfully low amount of content here to the point where its insulting and stacking DLC stages on top makes the whole experience feel like a painful money grab.

Gameplay yeah its fine but its also nothing all that special and just makes you want to go play Volfied or one of the other Qix varients more than this.

Its feature-creep the game. Theres a lot to do, a lot to see and play and generally the one game-mode/area you will inevitably fall in love in will be the one area devoid of updates for a century as the devs focus on bumper cars, seasonal events and ice-cream.

Ok im being a bit harsh here. Its a very fun time as you bounced almost literally from minigame to minigame but... yeah. The fact that the devs cant seem to commit to one idea fully really shines through so much.

This feels like it was written by a child with badly written dialogue and a whole heap of choice trees that kill you off without any form of hints or foreshadowing to make those choices apparent. Very lazy storytelling.

Take Mario 64, add more content, characters, minigames and more which normally would = good times... But then add some moments where you use horrible touchscreen controls along with the DS d-pad which makes the games controls overall feel so much worse...

It just feels like a light downgrade. Not a lot of a downgrade but it takes slightly more away than it gives in the long run.

Why yes I would like to destroy my Nintendo DS screen, thank you so much.

On its way to release everyone got really weirdly up in arms about this game because of how mean spirited and nihilistic it looked. People kicked up a fuss, wrote up petitions to get it banned and typed page upon page of outrage.

Then it came out and it turned out to basically just be Postal 1 with more grey and black outfits than a hot topic store and everyone went 'Were we really kicking up a fuss about such a boring game?'

Yes. Yes you were.

I honestly wish there was a console port of this but at the same time I know damn well it wont be a patch on the cabinet. Theres something just so intense about the entire game, from the chaotic more frenzied speed in comparison to previous games, to the lights, sounds, seat rumbles and smoke. Its an experience thats for sure.

Its not perfect dont get me wrong. The story and cutscenes are corny and weird as usual and the game just loves plot-dumping at a moments notice. The lack of the Aime card feature in the overseas version is frustrating too.

Nevertheless... This is just one hell of a blast and well worth wasting your cash on.

Some decent moment, some exciting moments and I spent way too long playing the little PDA minigames but its let down thanks to having a difficulty level that feels flat out unfair and unfun at times.

Im all for challenging the player but having the game flat out being as mean spirited as this is spoils what could be a great time.

(p.s: this covers both the original and HD re-releases. Theres very little difference between the two content-wise)


Minimalist games really do have to strike that line to avoid being too simple and basic. Most cover this by having the gameplay shine or having a thumping music beat. oO fails to really do either and instead comes off as half-baked instead. Theres just nothing here.

A bit of a mixed bag really but ultimately its a game where I felt pretty good about what I played. Theres a lot of very weird, creepy and unsetting moments about and the level design feels unique and interesting enough but theres just not enough here. I wound up finishing just wishing there was a few more levels to play through.

Also while most of the game is great, the game trying to make score-attack level speedrunning a thing doesnt work and it ruins the experience more than enhances. So just leave that mode alone and you'll be fine.

A little too much on the short and simple side. While I did appreciate some of the more surprise creepy elements, the whole thing was just far too basic and simple and had one too many jokes that missed the mark to really recommend.

Fine for a messaround for all of five minutes in multiplayer before you just wanna move on. Single player AI is a dumb as rocks too. It's basically compilation filler for Atari.

Decent when it came out originally. Completely and totally skippable nowadays given the sequels.