Gameplay is pretty good, theres a lot of snappy action here but.... Good lord. For a JRPG you need a interesting story and likable characters and oh boy does this drop the ball in every single way. The story is dull and boring and completely non-memorable in every single way...

But those characters... Every single character is terrible in every single way. They are crass, shouty, whiny, irritating in every single manner possible. You just dont want to hang around these lot in any way shape and form and for a long JRPG this murders any incentive to keep playing. I got about half the way through and just couldnt take it anymore.

I played this on youtube back when they allowed annotation links. Sadly you cant do that anymore. Its not worth playing or setting up unless you happen to be really bored and really drunk.

A very middling ho-hum brawler with not a lot going for it. None of the characters have much personality and the limited movesets just feel clumsy and lifeless.

If you have to slog through this for one reason or another, do make sure you stick to the original Japanese version. The overseas release is rather embarrassing in how mangled the translation is from what's supposed to be a brawler based off Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Sure you'll understand little but at least the character names will stick.

Starts off great and full of mind bending and weird fun that keeps you guessing but kinda devolves into endless backtracking and dull block placement puzzles that feel against the grain of what made the first half of the game feel special.

Honestly more fun than you'd expect even though the novelty kinda wears off as you go on. Still fun for a laugh every now and again.

Its cute and kinda fun but just feels like a game jam demo than anything resembling a full length game.

Im all for releasing everything you have in legitimate compilations in order to combat that old piracy excuse of 'Well I cant buy it anywhere' but this is real scrape the back of the barrel stuff for Atari.

Unlike the other two collections which are full of big titles, this is full of incredibly archaic black and white games, multiplayer only affairs, Atari 5200 games and a heap of prototype and cancelled Atari 2600 games. Its a collection thats honestly hard to love unless you REALLY have a soft spot for everything Atari.

Honestly a hell of a charm offensive of a game full of silly animations, weird cartoonish moments to the point where you can almost forgive the way the game likes to throw 'Gotcha' traps at you or how it likes to screw you over at a moments notice with a wonky perspective. I said almost though. As it stands it is a fun little game with a pretty short runtime which maybe needed some way of signalling obstacles a little better.

I hate this game. Sure it's pretty but when shooting is as accurate as QWOP and the levels feel like they've been cobbled together by a blind man... It's just no fun to play in any way, shape or form.

Funny for all of five minutes but then it's just a chore to play... After all, you barely feel responsible for your wins or your losses thanks to how often the physics engine craps itself then you'll just not care at all about what's going on at any given point.

I want to rate this higher I really do. The game is fun, frantic and silly... If a bit on the messy and clunky side. Its a solid 3/5 or 3.5/5.

Unfortunately I played the Xbox One version which has a huge horrible game breaking bug where it just STOPS saving randomly, doesnt inform you that its stopped saving, breaks all achievement progress... So any death or break = losing hours of progress. NO. Just NO. I cant touch this damn game ever again until this is fixed.

Its short, its cute, its cheap its fine... Just nothing really worth talking about as its VERY short (about half an hour max) and its just not that exciting or special. Feels more like a teaser to something bigger than a game in its own right.

Christ this is janky and messy in an incredibly unlikable manner thanks to heavy controls, glitchy graphics and two lead characters who are in full mean-spirited insult/snark mode throughout. This isn't even funny bad liked Chronicles could be, this is just BAD bad.

Play it only a few times when you don't have anything else to play on your 3DS then move right onto an actual game. Very limited and throwaway in nature.

Avencast is very much about as middle of the road as you can get for an action RPG game. Its got a plot thats fairly basic, combat that feels fun but unspectacular and world building thats at best... ok.

Unfortunately thats all I can really say with this game. Its fun enough while you play it, its not a very long game either but will you remember anything about it afterwards? Probably not.