I always thought I mastered this game before, but when I reached the bonus level I realized... I never did. At least, I didn't recognize it. But what a delightful way to end this glorious LEGO game!

Ranked: LEGO Video Games

I hate to leave the game at 99.6%, but I just couldn't figure out how to unlock the last two characters. When I searched online and found out you need to convert all systems to Republic or Separatist and then all back to the other – which means replaying 24 ground battles – I quit. There are a lot of admirable and fun new things in this iteration of the LEGO video game series, but those damn ground battles are the worst. I mean, a couple of them would've been a nice change to the puzzle-based levels, but why stuff the game with those irritating, repetitive monstrosities? In replaying all LEGO games in order, this was the first I had never played before (so I was very excited beforehand), but it felt more of a chore than a pleasure to try to master it. It goes without saying that it's a great disappointment that I lost my motivation to do so this close to 100%.

Ranked: LEGO Video Games

Now The New World of Steam is announced, The Lost Future's ending gives me even more goosebumps and tears than before. Masterpiece!

Ranked: My All-Time Favourites . Professor Layton
Added: Games that (almost) made me cry

Not bad per se (I enjoyed a lot of this) but I hated the controls and how annoying the boss fights were getting at some point. Maybe such games are not my thing.

Why is this casual puzzle game colonialistic...?

I don't know how many times I've played this, but I love it still. Delightfully casual gaming!

A fun little puzzle platformer with minimal storytelling and a great style.

Another great game by Rusty Lake, full of surprises. Keep 'em coming!

Ranked: My All-Time Favourites . Rusty Lake

Of course, the thing I'm most excited about is how well BlueRoseTeam has captured the vibe of Twin Peaks with a Playstation 1 style and it the demo will get a continuation, but I literally screamed when I saw that Life is Strange reference. Brilliant!

Ranked: My All-Time Favourites

A nice idea for a visual novel, but it felt quite dull when finishing the first chapter so I'm not continuing it.

Professor Layton's glorious second adventure was released only nine months after his first and – I don't know how they did it – it is even better than The Curious Village! A wonderful and emotional story and brain-teasing puzzles make this an almost perfect sequel!
Ranked: My All-Time Favourites
Added: Games that (almost) made me cry

Too short, but a fun bit of meta (non-)gaming.

That sword went deep, that's for sure.

I can't tell for sure how many times I've played (and completed) this game (series), but it still gets me every time. It puzzles (even though I can solve most of tham at a glance), moves, and immerses me. This is without any doubt my favourite gaming series of all time. Now, let's play the rest!
Ranked: My All-Time Favourites
Added: Games that (almost) made me cry