48 reviews liked by JayLucien

This game was great! I have no idea what these reviews are talking about.

One of the best FPS of the recent years. Campaign is great fun although short it is a really fun time. Never really touched the multiplayer but the gameplay in the campaign was enough to propel this into my top 10 FPS campaigns.

I liked this game. It got boring in a couple spots, but the traversal was fun and the combat was fine. Nothing world changing but I would play another one.

Para arrancar con la review aclaro que a este juego, cuando era más chico no le di mucha importancia, lo jugaba uno o dos niveles y lo dejaba. Hace poco me agarró las ganas de jugar a los de nueva generación porque me interesa mucho más la cámara detras del hombro que un hack and slash.
Me lo instalé en mis PS3 (guiño guiño) y lo terminé en un par de días.
El juego me pareció en tema mecánicas bastante menos pesado de lo que me esperaba, la historia es genial (me encanta la historia griega) y Kratos es DIOS (literalmente). Ya mismo estoy bajando la secuela

To start with the review, I clarify that when I was younger I didn't give much importance to this game, I played it for one or two levels and left it. Recently I got the urge to play the new generation because I'm much more interested in the camera behind my shoulder than in a hack and slash.
I installed it on my PS3s (wink wink) and finished it in a couple of days.
I found the game much less mechanically heavy than I expected, the story is great (I love Greek history) and Kratos is GOD (literally). I'm downloading the sequel right now

This could've been a fantastic game if it had been properly finished. As it stands, it's absolutely loaded with weird bugs and glitches, questionable collision detection, a poor translation even by late 80s Capcom standards, and the triangle jump maneuver you need for certain portions of the game is ridiculously tricky to pull off without a turbo controller.

I really get the feeling that Capcom USA wanted to get this out to ride on the popularity of the arcade game, and just didn't give the Japanese branch time to actually put on the finishing touches this game desperately needed

A shame these older Strider games have such crappy programming (I applaud anyone who can master the wall jump in this Micronics tier NES game sloppiness) because they have some interesting ambitions narratively. You could say it's because the game is also very ambitious gameplay wise due to its metroidvania nature, but they didn't need to do a Super Pitfall-esque huge level which is stored in memory but fails to be smooth when Capcom already made the NES Captain Commando which also was very ambitious for its time.

It's also ridiculous this NES game drops the fact you are trying to rescue your sister when even the crappy Sega Genesis Strider II remembered that at the end

Truly no one's favorite Lord of the Rings game.

What's wild is this game having nothing to do with the movie that came out a year prior to release. Tom Bombadil is in this, that's how you know it's a bad game.

hahaha this game was so bad

The speedrun history of this is the best thing on youtube