One of my favorite games to play and to always come back to. This game was my first introduction to the world of zombies and I would have to say that I adore every aspect - even if some of it is extremely bugged. The AI completely sucks, but it's something that I can look past because I think that the story is actually pretty decent. If you're not achievement hunting than this game doesn't need to be all serious. Just slam a shower head over a zombie's head and have some fun with the game. Seeing people rage over this game is hilarious.

So far, I'm really enjoying this game and everything that it has to offer. Although, I haven't played much because the servers haven't been holding up as they should when it comes to playing with multiple people. Hopefully, as the game develops, the servers begin to strengthen because I think that this game can go far. I hope the developers keep up the good work.

I was finally able to get through all of the achievements! Thank God

I really liked playing this game - it took me a couple of tries on both maps to be able to pass, but I think it's a really good game to play. If anything, it's a good game to play while you're drinking with your friends.

This game was definitely more difficult to get a hold of than the first one. I really liked it, though, and I liked the new additions to the second game.

I specifically waited until after I got back into the game to post any type of review on it - but after the 1 year update, I have absolutely loved everything that they added. With each and every update that the devs do, they keep getting better and better and I hope that, in the future, when I am able to update this, I can safely say that it has only gotten better.

Honestly, this game is my comfort game now

I just wanted to go back and play this game in order to get 100% of the achievements in it for my Steam profile. I like the way that it was made, though. It's a really good, short, horror game that I think people should play when they get the chance.