Wonder Boy 1987

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Time Played

5h 57m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 22, 2024

Platforms Played



Wonder Boy FINISHED! 7/10 I have vague memories of Wonder Boy, I played it as a child but I never managed to beat it, and to be honest, my childhood self from that time would never be able to finish this game! It's because? Basically he is difficult!

I managed to finish it in 3:57 hours! The game is from 1987, literally a historical game and one of the adaptations of Sega's Arcade machines in the 80s, the version I played was the Master System version using the Wii's virtual Console service, the Master System version is very faithful Here we control a little boy blonde named Tom-Tom who is after an evil villain who stole his girlfriend Tania is an 80s/90s cliché? It is! But for a game that was born in arcades, many of them were just to create a backstory because at the time Score was more important.

A curious fact is that the creator of Wonder Boy created the game because he found Super Mario too punishing and didn't like the movement, even though he understood Mario's popularity and importance, he wanted to create a game with better gameplay, in my opinion. about this Wonder Boy it is a very fun game I admit that I would play it more than Nes' Super Mario, Tom-Tom's gameplay is slippery but functional for a 1 mega Master System cartridge it did what the levels were supposed to do They're cute but that's what they have few variations.

Wonder Boy uses themes of rock caves, forests, ice caves but many of them feel like they are variations of the same stage with changed enemies and objects, it even has stages at night or in a volcanic area with a volcano spitting out rocks and the sky changing from color to red even a waterfall and river area.

Each zone has 4 acts and in the fourth there is a Boss where you throw your small axes at the Boss's head when you defeat it you lose a head and a new one is born, the boss is easy and doesn't have many difficulties, as it is a game ported from arcades is very well done! There are even new phases.

The difficulty is steep! Often with very well placed enemies and traps SERIOUSLY! some are made out of evil! You start the game with 3 lives, losing is game over! But a positive point is that the game has infinite continues so you can continue your game and return to the beginning of the phase you were in, but just being able to continue playing is something to be praised in the 80s/90s there were a lot of very punishing games, many of them super difficult and lives limited to 2 to 3 and there were many games that didn't even have to continue!

The game's music is OK, nothing too memorable, the theme song is always played! And after a while it starts to feel agonizing because there is little variation in the 4th act, which is the boss zone, it changes and a new song is introduced in the fight against the boss, but a variation would be welcome, many Master System games had this, Sonic was an example of that!

Wonder Boy is a game that brings me nostalgia, but that's because I played it but never managed to finish it as a child and I only did it as an adult, it was a fun experience! But I admit that playing a game that has no credits is strange... many games like Wonder Boy is a game that ran on Arcade machines and Score was the important thing and when you finish you only receive a thank you message and the game ends and you can start a new game.

Wonder Boy is a long game! And you can't save, few games at that time had the option to save on cartridges so you had to take some free time to be able to reset, of course nowadays with emulators they have save states but at the time they didn't have that.