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Admittedly, The Cat Lady has some flaws: Exploration feels clunky, you can't skip dialogues. The plot can be a bit slow as well and has little replay value, unless you just want to experience the story for a second time.
On top of that, it deals with some heavy themes that might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Yet, I still utterly adore this game. It provides an atmosphere of complete isolation, a sense of alienation. Every moment of happiness, human connection feels fragile and brittle, thus becoming a cherished instance of light in a sea of despair and hopelessness.

Susan's tale is not a happy one. There's not much solace to be found. At times, the surreal scenes reminded me of Kafka's works and I was reminded, again and again, of a line from A Country Doctor: “What am I doing in this eternal winter?” Indeed, playing this made me feel as if I was trapped in a November night, the last person awake, just my thoughts to keep me company. Heavy and foreboding and, at the same time, so very kind and comforting.

Just give this a shot. Maybe it won't turn your life upside down but I think it changed me a bit. I am quite sure it saved my life a tiny bit. If someone would ask me what it means to be human, I would point at this game without hesitation.