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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 30, 2023

First played

November 28, 2023

Platforms Played


Wasted potential - the video game.

The premise of the game is one that is absolutely dear to me: The power of stories, how they connect us, how they can change our lives a little bit. Personally, I believe that humans were made to tell and share stories, it's in our blood. They're something really sacred.

It pains me even more to admit that almost everything about Where the Water Tastes Like Wine felt pretty undercooked. From the practically useless map to its weird approach to plot progression, nothing really clicked with me.

Although I found some of the stories in the game rather beautiful, they felt also very shallow. I grew tired of the whole concept after playing for a bit, mostly because some of the tales you hear were quite similar to each other and never felt unique enough to actually be rememberable.

That being sad, I appreciate what the devs were trying to do. Just wish they would have thought about this a bit more before releasing it. The soundtrack is wonderful, though.