Another simple arcade-like from Frosty Pop with Netflix. Coins have no purpose, IAP-like, repetitive levels. Didn't stick with it as no evolution to the game.

(Actually surprised that this was published by the ones that made Duet, but okay).

A bit of a meme-y game, but simple high-score chasing cut the rope to put the ball into the basket. Admittedly addicting, and stayed on the phone for a few months. Random chance to get a ball/theme after a few playthroughs (or watching ads) to get coins.

Very vaguely remember playing this...came across it through Funbrain arcade, which I only remember thanks to a YouTube video called "Revisiting Poptropica a Decade Later" that I'm watching.

Anyway, simple fun browser game "world" with different islands and their storylines, talking to NPCs to complete quests via platforming and puzzles using the mouse cursor, and tie-ins to books and comics like Big Nate. All I can remember. Probably blew my mind back in elementary school.

Very fun, wish there was a way to keep score, or have more challenges. After finishing the challenges I'm just left wanting more. Will still continue to play this during my commutes.

Was truthfully a large part of my interests online during those years. Very much a product of the time, but definitely spent tons of hours reading updates as well as the theories around the fandom. Probably not worth giving a read these days, both due to it being dated and because Flash went down, but the community seems to remain strong so that's cool.

Also, the music still slaps.

Started on the phone, transitioned to PC. Very fun and very cute deck builder, got a bit too complex with the expansions for my taste but still great fun.

Fun game to play with friends, even though the skill ceiling is incredibly high. The basketball mode was really memorable. Too difficult to pick back up, though.

Classic flash game, kind of twisted and overly violent but just brought out that side of me when I was younger, seeing all the interactions and how the innocent buddy would react.

As is the case for me with many of Zach Gage's games, played this constantly for a long couple of months, then fell off if it after a certain point.

Played a lot of Bonte's puzzle games back in the day, quite fun for an evening trying to figure out the gimmick for each level with these balls. Simple but intuitive, and progressively got more complex and difficult.

Not until Clubhouse Games on the Switch did I learn how to actually play this game.

Fun twist on a Scrabble-like word game, but haven't stuck with it much. May continue trying it here and there, usually in 5-10 minute segments per day.

Another addicting Ketchapp game, score-chasing for a couple of weeks.

Don't remember a thing about this game, but it's in my download history! Seems like a fun platformer.

Simple short DSiWare game, a bit annoying with the CPUs. Time trials were neat.