One of the toughest rogue-like games that I've continued to go back to to try to beat. Finally did end up finishing it, after reinstalling and following some guides. Would like to try returning to this one with a character other than floaty, but man is it tough. Maybe my thumbs are too big.

An okay experimental Kirby game, the 100% condition requires you to replay each level five times which is already really pushing the okay mechanic of drawing on the touchpad.

A simple sort of card-based golf game. Although it got a bit tough towards the latter levels, and I resorted to a lot of trial and error in the end. Still a fun puzzler, with simple nice aesthetics.

Loved Card-Jitsu and the lore behind it, as well as all the spy missions. Hopped back into the island in 2017 when it was announced that it was closing, and tried out Card-Jitsu Snow, which barely ran (Card-Jitsu Water already was struggling and you mostly progressed because other penguins were dying from not being able to move either).

Although it did take away from the chill vibe of the games, I did enjoy trying to collect the achievement stamps in each of the mini-games that they added, like Cart Surfer or the Jetpack game.

First party I remember, besides the Holiday Party and Rockhopper visits, was the April Fools' orange puffle. They introduced so many of those in the future.

I think I met Gary once in person? (in penguin?).

Good times.

A cute puzzler using your team members and their bodies to solve puzzles. Progressively harder levels with some fun mysteries to solve.

One of the main reasons I have a Facebook....was all the rage for those early days. One of the first games to capitalize on the idea of daily tasks and energy usage, in my experience.

Found this game going through a box of PlayStation game discs, and an inkling of a memory and a crosscheck of YouTube gameplay verified for me that yes, I definitely played this game. Don't remember anything besides the funnily shaped wobbly carts and the shield power-up.

Very vaguely remember playing this...came across it through Funbrain arcade, which I only remember thanks to a YouTube video called "Revisiting Poptropica a Decade Later" that I'm watching.

Anyway, simple fun browser game "world" with different islands and their storylines, talking to NPCs to complete quests via platforming and puzzles using the mouse cursor, and tie-ins to books and comics like Big Nate. All I can remember. Probably blew my mind back in elementary school.

Did well in any song on beginner beginner level up until they had you reach for the fifth key. Then I fell apart. No idea where that colorful plastic guitar is anymore...

Another addicting Ketchapp game, score-chasing for a couple of weeks.

Fun twist on a Scrabble-like word game, but haven't stuck with it much. May continue trying it here and there, usually in 5-10 minute segments per day.

Definitely got around to this one later than my other physical DS games, not sure when I got it or how, there aren't any markings of it being pre-purchased but I don't believe my parents gave it to me. The manual inside the box is very nostalgic.

Doesn't top Partners in Time for me, though I do admit that it is a better game. Bowser is great and goofy, and although I like Baby Mario on X and Baby Luigi on Y, Bowser on X and Y also works great.

Final music is goated.

Edit: Found that I bought it myself on eBay for $20. Honestly, a pretty good get, considering it came with box and manual.

A fully expansive game that took a couple of sessions to complete. Painting tiles with dead bodies continues to be great, and the story and backtracking with the hamster was fun. A real full game, honestly.

An RPG with shooting mechanics with the elephant, very fun power-up mechanics.

Classic flash game, kind of twisted and overly violent but just brought out that side of me when I was younger, seeing all the interactions and how the innocent buddy would react.