Arcade-like game, played for a week or so. Collect gems while avoiding the black dots, I guess. Very simple.

Another super simple and alright Ketchapp game. Kept this one for a few months.


A more fun Ketchapp game. Aesthetically pleasing, and I liked how you could regain some of your lost ground by completing perfect chains.

Basically Tetris, but with physics involved. Trying to keep the stack upright when pieces didn't exactly line up, and seeing your whole tower at the end is cute.

Nostalgic game, wacky physics and levels.

Still playing, still enjoying for the most part. Shitty Niantic and IAP laden aside, this game actually did get me moving and walking around, especially during the pandemic. Will never forget the summer of Pokemon Go, working in the city and seeing swarms of people running to parks to catch a Snorlax or Lapras. No idea how many hours I sunk into this since its release; even though I take month-long breaks, still playing it during commutes. If it's an average of 10 minutes per day, since 2016...then 400 hours or so.

Classic Flash game, loved this lil elephant. Very fun puzzle platformer, always returned to it.

Showed it to some friends in Nov 2017 and it was a riot.

A refined sequel, still very fun.

The switch got more nuanced here, still enjoyed.

Don't remember much of this, but one of my first difficult RPGs. Don't believe I ever completed it.

My only exposure to what Portal was for over a decade. Really enjoyed this puzzle platformer, had no real idea of what version I was playing or that it was such a big game outside of this flash version.

Very enjoyable achievement / secret hunting, quick Flash game.

The addition of the multiple layers, plus going "outside" and completing the game like that was really cool.

A fully expansive game that took a couple of sessions to complete. Painting tiles with dead bodies continues to be great, and the story and backtracking with the hamster was fun. A real full game, honestly.

An RPG with shooting mechanics with the elephant, very fun power-up mechanics.