Stray 2022

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Yet another game that is just so mid. It's fine. Except for one major flaw that took a game from what could have been a 4 to a 2.5.

First off, it's pretty. Very cute. I love the cat. I love exploring the the world. The puzzles are fun. Being a cat is neat.

Now what could ruin this experience. Controls? Nope. Too long? Nope. Obscure puzzles? Nope. Enemies, bad light combat, failstates? YES!

WHY DEVS? Did someone big wig say, "This game won't do well without combat?" For the life of me I do not know why we had to have bad combat and these stupid little robots that pretty much murder you within seconds. It's not fun. Why?

It would have been a better game if it was a cat just trying to get home after falling. But no, we have to have these annoying little robots and sequences where you have to decipher the matrix before they murder you. If you wanted things to be like you missed the jump and die, fine. Reasonable. It just felt forced. Felt like someone high up forced this on what was a chill vibe of a game.

It's a short mid game. Cute cat. Cute story. Neat world. Ruined by it being gamified. No one will ever convince me that a cute cat game would not have sold well without combat and enemies.