Dishonored 2012

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Definitely played this once before, but barely remembered anything. It's good!

I've always been wary of games that are like "play YOUR way!" and then one particular route seems way more practical and obvious than any other, but

a) here you'll sometimes get new info mid-mission that makes your think about what you're doing, and

b) I'm slowly realising that one route is just MY way, and maybe doesn't seem that practical or obvious to other players. Dumbass.

First-person melee combat is where it falls apart for me, but TBH that's not unique to Dishonored, I've yet to find a game that does it well. Also I pretty much ignored the Bone Charms, didn't seem like most made much difference apart from a few obvious ones (MY way again?). I do wish games would bin "slightly increases x", either make them big and meaningful or skip them altogether.

I decided early on to go mostly non-lethal, and I got the nice ending because I'm nice. I figured the guards only know what they've been told and they're only fighting me because they've been lied to. I'm now away to get the bad ending because ACAB.