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WIP: 29/03 Finised Act 1
quite enjoyable so far. combat is pretty simple yet entertaining, getting some nice combos and taking advantage of scenarios with team members. I definitely wish you could fine-tune how you party auto-battles though, the options provided are quite limited which often leads to team-members doing things you did not want, and having every party-member follow orders makes combat feel too slow IMO. e.g. I wish i could make veronica always buff her MM before sending off attacks, or I wish I could make Serena prioritise doing buffs when she doesn't need to heal anyone, instead of just doing a pointless wand attack that only ever seems to wake up an enemy Erik has just put to sleep lol.

Story is quite generic but its entertain and engaging enough. Plenty of cliches but its still endearing, I do wish the party interacted with each other a little more, e.g. when you arrive in Gondolia and Veronica / Serena immediately side with Sylvano to go waste time, fun stuff like that but I think the party expands too quickly for anyone to properly develop so far...

WIP: 21/04
Really enjoying the story much more in Act II so far, does make me wish there was more character development in Act I BUT still really enjoy seeing the party members develop and change and be given purpose n shit. Combat becomes much more entertaining with crazier abilities being added to almost everyone. At this point Erik still feels a little lame to play with, his schtick of "apply debuff, apply clone buff, do big attack, repeat" is pretty repetitive and at this point that's all he can do, he has basically no other abilities.