Dude it really is just that good. Every gripe I have with this game is very minor. Really the only thing wrong with the game is that even on normal difficulty there is some necessary grinding during the later portion of the game. And I think some story beats aren't presented obvious enough.

Played most recently in 2023. Very very fun game (especially with friends) with a great gameplay loop.
Problem is that grinding for anything once you get to swamp is a literal chore and not fun and not worth it. Tried doing playthroughs 3 times and got to silver and the mountains on the 3rd one and realized it was just too much. New armor is barely better than fully upgraded old armor in every tier and costs a crazy amount of time and effort to just get.

Game gets really stale after around 30 hours. Doing deep dives is fun and all but when every single mission type is one of five and always the same it kinda sucks.

People like the idea of SA2 more than the game actually holds up. You see reviews of people dogging on the game and then giving it a 4.5 "just cause :P"
The controls feel like ass. Your homing attack as sonic/shadow will just miss sometimes, a lot of stages have instant death gimmicks (like the quicksand in the pyramid levels) which, combined with the bad controls, make a lot of levels annoying to play through. SOME of the knuckles/rouge levels are actually fun, but a lot of them are just kinda annoying and bad.
THAT BEING SAID, SA2 has a crazy aura and is still kinda fun to play through. Like it was annoying to play but I still wanted to finish it.

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Played for the first time on Proud on a PS2, completely overrated nostalgia-bait.

- I think the gameplay is a step-up from the original (even though you can argue that the limiting gameplay of kh1 made the game more strategic instead of mashy).
- The intro of the game where you play as Roxas instead of Sora is perfect and really good.
- Timeless River is a great zone.
- The final section of the game and the final boss are really good.
- I liked how the Pirates of the Caribbean zone looked.
- The gummy missions are better and more varied than they were in KH1

- After playing as Roxas I did not want to play as Sora.
- Every returning zone from the first game is done WORSE than how they are in KH1. Each level felt like a world in KH1 whereas in KH2 almost every level is built like a hallway.
- Most of the bosses suck ass.
- The story sucks so much, like "Hurr Durr Maleficent will be on the hero's side now but it won't impact anything, we know how to write stories."
- Every single level is bogged down by constant cutscenes and expository dialogue. You enter a level and boom, cutscene, blackscreen, characters standing with each other talking, blackscreen, another cutscene, blackscreen, you get to play! You walk forward into another area, cutscene. Its infuriating and drags the game so hard I was falling asleep at times.