8 reviews liked by Jonovan

That scarf still has the best fabric physics in video games 20+ years later.

This was the Subspace Emissary before the Subspace Emissary. I played this so much as a kid, but after playing through the entire thing again as an adult, I realize that it's actually surprisingly good?! Like the platforming is fun, the cutscenes are great, the music slaps, and the roster of characters is solid! The ending is extremely rushed and unsatisfying, which is a massive disappointment, but I'm shocked that everything else was as fine as it is.

Absolutely Scientifically proven that playing through these games with another person will cause you to form a lifelong unbreakable soul bond with that person. I will not do a formal study on this.

Fucking banger

I swear the twelve people that have actually played this game all have a weirdly personal story about it. We all out here playing this trash RPG like it saved our dad from the war.

I'm really glad the DS can't log playtime, cause I really don't want to be faced with the many hours I know I spent on this dumb stupid game as a dumb stupid kid.

Not even my family gatherings are this fucked up

A 40 hour long Black Mirror episode with less british people and better combat

I kneel...Zenkchi Hasegawa