this dude is a hack fraud😭

kinda contrasts dod1’s violence in a way that still uses it as a necessity for our main character but expressed differently. zero isn’t really fueling her rage or acting out of loss, but at the same time is also trying to fill an emptiness in her heart. obviously there’s some commentary on gender roles in there as well, and some unprecedented but weirdly welcome depictions of fetish? in a way an evolution of what dod1 set out to do. i just love the tone. very important game to me. it is extremely hard to put my thoughts on this into a sensical string of words and phrases, and i won’t say that i totally understand the game either. but idk man all the way through this was a complete joy for me to experience, definitely not something i will ever forget.
talked about this one to death and it’s probably the one i have the strongest conviction. ultimately miserable and tragic in every way. not “bad on purpose” as much as it’s actually just tedious on purpose at a certain point. love this game even if it gets on my nerves a little bit. caim is one of my favorite protagonists and the cast as a whole does a great job in representing inherent fucked up nature of people. ending E is up there as one of, if not my favorite video game ending.
i was so close to loving this one but it falls into similar issues that prevented me from loving automata as well, just to a lesser degree. wasnt super invested in the characters, i felt the grey morality of the situation wasn’t conveyed equally (or meaningful enough), and i don’t understand the point of making you replay the game so many times for very minor additions (aside from B). i love the novel stuff w kaine and emil, i just wish there was more of it to make me feel connected. after ending B i was anticipating more of it to show up to no avail. replaying the game for C/D seems utterly pointless to me since they don’t even change anything at all aside from a minor part of one boss fight that ultimately doesn’t matter. sounds like i hate this one but i still see the vision and as a game, it’s very fun. personally i just needed more, though. also i do not like ending E very much. i plan on playing the original game at some point so i’m hoping my thoughts might change positively.
i’ve hated on this game way too much and for way too long. i do think it’s a good game though, and i have some good memories pertaining to it. however as a whole it didn’t leave a very large impact on me. was too on-the-nose for me unfortunately. i couldn’t connect to the characters as much as the game wanted me to either. in general i felt it was a bit too busy trying to tell me how to feel about circumstances and ideas when i didn’t empathize with any of them. the gameplay is fine i suppose but really becomes a slog as it goes on and not in an intentional way as taro’s previous games have employed. to me it’s like platinum certainly wanted to make a great action game but stopped halfway through before giving it any depth. automata just doesn’t click with me and i’m disappointed about that.


4 months ago

He kiwami means extreme'd my Taro and he's trying to leave

4 months ago

Drakengard 3 ranked number 1 all is well (and probably crazy and doomed) in the world xD

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