Solid game I think most people would like this to fiddle around and kill time. I don't mean this in a bad way I mean this in a good way, it reminds me over playing stuff on places like addictinggames as a kid.

Fun short game basically a puzzle where you combine two things (like two heros to make a party) to create a new thing and you keep combining those things to unlock new things

I didn't like sorting through the sections and tabs as I unlocked more things.

Its pretty? But there's some glaringly weird borderline unfinished stuff to the way it looks and handles. I wouldn't spend money on this given what else is out there.

Friend introduced this game to me when we were moving and we were sleeping on their couch cause the moving company wouldn't tell us what day they were taking our stuff to our place.

LOVE this game. I find playing it in a group and alone are equally fun for different reasons. If you like the stereotypical ttrpg /rpg stuff of being little guys going on your little fantasy quests chances are you might like this.

I love playing this game. It def gets rough but it's addicting and fun to bust out in a group. You'll end up yelling the wildest sentences trying to solve the level.

The game concept is genuinely cool and engaging and same with the art. The music is just kinda generic and not very interesting (to me) which makes it hard to enjoy this.

I've played a lot of stuff under east Asia soft and sometimes they're barely a game. This is definitely a game tho so if you're familiar with east Asia soft and the games they slapped their name to esp on the switch compared to a lot of their back catalogue this is a 5/5.

You're a magical girl that's in debt.

It's a fun puzzle game. You match 4 of a kind, doing so charges specials which you can deploy against an enemy, shield, etc. You do so while enemy waves are attacking you so there's a top layer of speed/timing and strategy involved other than the matching 4 part. You also have a health bar so you have to make sure you don't die.

Solid puzzle game. Addicting and easy to get the hang of. Perfect game so kinda mindlessly blow off steam.

Wanted to like it more, didn't love the controls on switch

It's fun to kill time in but I probably won't open it again

Funny short bullethell game. I don't usually like bullet hells but I liked the gimmicky/referential power ups and I'm fully aware a lot of the dialogue can come off goofy or cringe but I found it entertaining since it seemed like the leaned into it well.

It certainly feels like a wayforward game. I couldn't tell you what it was but it reminded me of shantae and river city girls at times (which I LOVE)

I liked it a lot but I could see people being annoyed at the gimmick powers and the dialogue! Again to each their own. I have no idea if you'd like this if your thing is bullet hell games. They are almost never my thing.

One of the coolest games I've played.

I'm guessing most people don't like how repetitive it gets but I love that actually. I like getting into the groove it's relaxing for me but I get that's not for everyone.

CHAOTIC i love it

good luck getting together 3 other people with gbas (we manged to do it like a year ago and it was so fun)

Always a solid game no matter how many times it comes out again. Most people I know are somewhat familiar with it so its easy to pick up and play with a few people

I played this while on shrooms for the first time and I cried so hard and havent played it again

it was really fun

A game that I think most people would like if they gave it a shot and dont mind death/psych/violence