I come back to this game and I cannot believe how well it runs on the switch especially compared to a lot of other games that CHUG on the switch.

I think its worth the price and the music is kick ass

I love this game so much I love all the skills. There are a few that make the game hilarious or hilariously easy but I loved the systems it had

I played SO much of this when I was in the hospital waiting for surgery and while I was recovering.

The story and the mechanics of this game were deeper than I anticipated and just clicked with me. It also turned out much longer than I thought it was going to be.

More incest than I anticipated which for clarification was none

maybe I just dont like change but i really didnt like the roster mix up. This was my third soul calibur game and last

I played like 3 games in middle school and hundreds of hours over and over and this was one of them

Maybe I'm crazy but I liked this much better than P5 (which i LOVED)

This is one of my favorite games I put hundreds of hours playing this over and over again in middle school. I think it is really unique and I haven't played anything like in terms of like an action game since

I wanna like this so bad but she (my switch) is chugging

Ths concept is great but i feel like it could have used more time in the oven

You solve a lot of puzzles with your sword and magic. I was hyped for this the second I saw the trailer and it is beautiful and fun.

I'm still at the beginning of the game though and I don't think it has super clicked with me (It is a beautiful competent engaging game... i just don't feel super compelled to finish or keep playing it but I am willing to try it out still)

By far my most replayed game. Super relaxing and a big hit whenever I show people this game. It is also beautiful to look at if you arent sensitive or have bad reactions to flashing lights. If that is you though this is probably not your game

It cane be hard if you wanna do a challenge run (play through the whole game in continous without dying and/or getting every pelled which is what me and spouse do from time to time)

It is also pretty easy if you want it to be I showed my niece when she was four and now that she is five she is able to do every level without getting frustrated and handing me the controller. I'm super proud of my niece the only games she plays are this, mario kart, and devil may cry.

I started this and then we moved and everything but the switch is in storage and i feel like shit i just want her back

I love to open this once inawhile. It is also a great game to show people cause its just easy to hop in. Working on getting some routes. I dont super intend to sit down and brute force it, I mostly have it to show people and they always get a kick out of it