My first game that had an overworld!! And at less than 10 years old, had no clue WTF me was meant to do

A jolly ol' Simpsons game in which you get a group of mices killed. Actually, that sounds pretty on brand

"You look like you are suffering from paint fumes intoxication." - My mom, after seeing my dance performance of Living la Vida Loca

Had to Google if this game was real, and if the second level really did have an ending

They somehow made fighting dragons with bubblegum not fun.

First Pokemon game was a bootleg. Was always confused over what Pokemon those monkes were

Better to play it without taking it seriously. Only time me did, people started crying

The utter heartbreak me suffered when the game was discontinued and all my badges were gone, making my 3DS' menu barren still haunts me to this day

Biggest fears going from "existential crisis from all hardships Kofi faced through out his career" to "big scary spiders" really sets a tone

Hello fellow individual who was curious about the oldest game on this site. Fancy some humus??

Do not play it if a player is familiar with AO3. Or if only one of them is not familiar with it

Making my goblin friends laugh with R34 memes > Fake internet points

PEOPLE WITH LONG HAIR CAN WEAR HATS!! Stupid European regulations.

Contains many instances of uncensored handholding; Play at your own risk.

It helped me get my totally legal 6IV shiny japanese Ditto from Gen VI to Gen VII, which probably saved about... 74 out of 589 hours of breeding.