MF would ask you if your character faked their death in Switzerland during the Gulf War when he knows full well you are just thinking Boblin the Goblin for the third time today

Started with this game to get into Metroidvania. Turns out this is one of the least Metroidvania-ie Metroids. Oops

Dislike Removal?? Adpocalypse?? Nah-nah, the removal of THIS was when Youtube hit the bricks

Hello fellow individual who was curious about the oldest game on this site. Fancy some humus??

Always wondered which button me would have to press to shower if my life was a PS3 game

Used to punch the mouse while punching the mouse. Y'know, for immersion!!

Still don't know how an arrow became more travel efficient than a jet dog

FALSE ADVERTISING. Tried turning my microwave into a time machine, burned the whole block instead

Fun fact: You can say you finished this game instead of getting a degree in physics and NASA will still take you

Got muted from the chat for flexing about my victorious, Choice Banded Forretress. Cowards!! Me shouted into the cyber abyss.

Innacurate as hell, all players showed and the DM didn't cancel last minute

Red Dead Redemtion for chads

The life lesson that this game teaches is that checking under trucks usually leads to finding pink blobs that resemble cats

It has a good aesop about respecting different opinions, and everyone who disagrees should die in a hole