Yeeting hamsters to the Ride of the Valkyries

Life was good back then

Got muted from the chat for flexing about my victorious, Choice Banded Forretress. Cowards!! Me shouted into the cyber abyss.

Vaguely remember feeling sad about a llama trapped in hell

What the real cool kids played during computer class when the teacher wasn't looking, unlike those losers who snuck off to smoke weed

Had to manually log this game into the database cause me felt bad about having to put the original James Pond as a stand in.

Anyways, is just a shameless bootleg that terrified me as a goblin child.

This game confirms the existence of motorcycles in the Kirby universe, which means there's a Kirby Hell's Angel power up he could obtain should he were to suck one of them

Is actually an in depth Joker dating sim (Huh, thought I'd be using that joke in a Persona review)

There's something poetic about the game about the living dead continuing after its creator died

Thanks to this game, we can say that Garrus is Jesus

This games teaches us that the only reason to go to Ohio is when the world has become a zombie walker infested apocalypse

100% convinced the Sam girl that looks like Max from LiS is a reference made only for moi



Tricking a girl into eating human flesh is totally worth it for a Soylent Green reference

"5 minutes should be plenty!"

As a goblin child, that mission would have me die of stress

Hyper inflation is a way more common power-up now that me thinks about it.