Alright so. I just remembered that I beat this a while back and yeah... yeah I really REALLY wanted to at least like this game, but it's so frustrating to play, and it hurts to finally admit that myself. Yeah yeah I know I was playing the worst version of the game, but that really isn't a valid excuse. Besides I already own the game, might as well play it that way.

Anyways let's the good out of the way. This game is very fun and vibrant and I love it. The music is great as always from a Sonic game, and it feels like a fitting end to the "dreamcast" era of Sonic. I also enjoyed my time with Team Sonic which honestly. If you wanna have fun with the game then dip. Just play Team Sonic. Even then it's not guaranteed which means I get to talk about my problems with the game!

First of all. The movement in this game is dookie. It's way too slippery, can feel very glitchy, and overall I would rather just play about any other Sonic game over this in terms of control. TIP: Do NOT play as the speed characters most of the time. It will NOT end well. I feel like you've failed with your control in a PLATFORMER, if I have to be so anxious about falling off of cliffs because of how the game plays, not because of my own skill. The game's attempt at combat is mindless at best honestly. You just stop, switch to the power character, and get to mashing. I know I shouldn't be expecting anything crazy, and yeah, I know they want you to be fast with beating the enemies, but it's just not fun.

Remember the "Team Sonic" thing I mentioned before? I'm bringing that up again because they're 3 more campaigns! Now you would think you would get new experiences with these other stories, right? Nah, how about beating the same game, but Team Dark is just harder, (And honestly bad level design at times.), Team Rose is baby mode, yet still mandatory, and Team Chaotix... Backtracking, and missions in linear levels is not a good mix. With all 4 of these stories (Including Team Sonic), you NEED to beat them all if you want the last story. Like in the Adventure games right? However, NOW you need to get the Chaos Emeralds along the way just like in the Classic games. The way of achieving these is fine on paper, but when you get the games jank, it becomes a nightmare, ESPECIALLY on Team Dark. You need a key, and THEN you can't get hit or fall off a cliff. Finding the keys isn't that hard, since some are just in plain sight. The problem is getting through these levels without a scratch on you with them. THEN there's the special stages themselves... Yeah they suck. If you can't get it in the first 10 seconds, there's a 90% chance you're gonna fail as I believe SomecallmeJohnny said. Which is basically true. They control terribly as well. Like the rest of the game pretty much.

The story itself is a lot more simpler and actually a break from the Adventure games trying to be more cinematic and heavier. You can like or dislike this. Honestly I'm ok with it. It's not much substance, but the character interactions can be nice to see as well. Even if those rival fights make no sense story wise- Oh yeah! I forgot about the bosses! They also suck, gee what a surprise! They're either way too easy, or frustratingly difficult, because of jank.

Honestly I really wish I could be like others, and say "Yeah! I liked that one." When it comes to Heroes. It's just... I really don't have too many good things to say about the game, and what I do like about it. I typically like in every other Sonic game! I guess at the end of the day I was just a villain along... I'll leave now, I just didn't know how to end the review so I ended it with that terrible joke.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024


2 months ago

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2 months ago

"I feel like you've failed with your control in a PLATFORMER, if I have to be so anxious about falling off of cliffs because of how the game plays, not because of my own skill."

dawg... this is entirely due to your own skill. the game doesn't automatically send you off a cliff against your will. you're just not controlling the characters well

i haven't played the ps2 version and i'm sure it's not doing you any favors, but the slipperiness of this game is just something that takes getting used to. playing primarily as speed characters is totally viable

2 months ago

I get that and all, but when I said that, I didn't really mean that I died a laughable amount of times. If anything I feel like my latest playthrough this game went smoothly, though I do understand why you would assume that I meant that I struggled with the game because of it. I just couldn't stop being bothered by the physics of the game.