It was a great. Mario's movement in this game was absolutely out of this world. The level design and creativity was astronomically stellar. I like space. This is a very good one, you should play it, even if you don't like videos game. It's one of the games that is guaranteed to let you into Heaven. You have my word, as I am God. I became God after 100%ing this game, as you are given another chance at life with Luigi, and then you 100% the game with him. Once you have completely 200%ed the game, you will become all-knowing and too powerful for our feeble human cerebrums to comprehend. Thank you for your time, become God.

This is a very unique experience. It's not like any other game I' have ever played. At some points, I've questioned if this really is a game. Or is a Saw torture trap. Luckily, and to my surprise, it is in fact a videos game. One of the best, to be completely frank. It was really comedic and entertaining, definitely on the same level as The Thousand Year Door funny-wise. It was also insanely challenging at other parts, which only makes beating it that much more rewarding. You're gonna need some time on your hands if you wanna complete this game, but it's worth it.

A delight, as per usual. This was my first real Zelda game after my first actual mainline game was BOTW. It was just a good time in all. Of course it has its flaws, but I definitely view this as the optimal way to play the game. I've heard that the Iron Boots in the N64 version is not an item, and you have to manually put it on in the inventory every single time you want to switch it. That must have sucked. I'm glad that they realized these problems and truly only improved upon the game. It's a certified hood classic for sure. Recommend it a bunch.

Such a delightful little game for goobers like myself. It was such a blast being an asshole. The puzzles were very clever and meticulous, and the stealth aspect was also very fun. I wish it was a but longer, but it was nice how everything wrapped up with the goose grabbing the bell. So goofy.


But in all seriousness, an incredible time. I've had a lot of fond memories playing with my cousins and friends when I was younger, and it has only brought out good times. Probably a top 5 Wii U game for me.

HEY whistle dun-dun-dundun dun-dun-dundun dun-dun-dundun dun dun dun dun dun BYOO dun dun dun dun dundun dundun, dun dun dun dun, dun, etc.

It was fun, don't me wrong. However, if I were to pick between playing SMB, SMBTLL, SMB2, and SMB3, SMB2 would definitely be my last choice.