28 reviews liked by Just_GameStory

More of the goodness from the first game. Loved the difficulty setting, as i felt it was a bit too easy before.

Definitely get this one if you enjoyed the first.

Great relaxing game and beautiful menu and style chosen. Love it!

Very enjoyable and casual. Wish there was a bit more different items to have to find as after you play for like 20 min you know all of them

mister raiden my beloved, great silly music, funky protag, i love you mister raiden


Genuinely can be fun with friends as long as they don't get too serious about it, updates have been fun but I haven't actually played it in like I dunno two years???

Absolute cinema, I love this game so much. Every shot is beautiful, the mocap and performances feels so well done and so vibrant. So mafia without feeling exaggerated to the point it's laughable. It is the first game in so long I've felt has been made with so so much love and care. The best remaster/remake I've ever seen done ever. The details, the historical accuracy, the characters. The worst part about this game is that it's over so quickly (and that one racing mission). I wish we got to spend more time with Paulie and Sam, more time getting to know exactly who Tommy Angelo is and his own struggles. I wish the open world had more things to do especially little quests to help flesh out those characters and add some replay value. I am hellbent on proving the queerness that feels so present in this game. There's scenes and details that feel so just UGH they're gay your honor I promise. There's some things I didn't like, some parts feel tedious and yes the racing mission is actual hell but it makes up for it. If you're playing, try it on the hardest settings even if you have to turn it down for that racing part. It's worth it.
It's also the first game I got to play all the way through with my boyfriend which makes it very very special to both of us.

A fun and wacky Katamari-esque game based around eating. Makes a great first impression, then gets old too quickly. Honestly, and this is not meant in a derogatory way, this would be a perfect first game for a five year old.

Titus Andromedon continues to be the greatest sitcom character of all time.

And now I can make him shirk responsibility and take a nap.

Played enough times to see every single option, including those you can select twice with different results. (Definitely call Donna Maria twice, and DEFINITELY listen to the whole song option the second time)

Everyone is so good in this. I'm now conviced that Richard Wayne Gary Wayne is the greatest role that John Hamm has ever played. I do wish there was more Mikey, though there's not really a natural place for him in the story.


Each time I go on an XBLA or WiiWare kick, I realize a bit more that most games from that era really were just flash games on consoles

Wow didn't expect to like this as much as I did. I expected a broken mess from the negativity but on PS5 it runs fairly well. I love these types of crafting survival games and it gives me similar vibes as The Forest so I'm having a great time with it. So many dinosaurs and content in this. I never played this game before so I'm happy I waited for this version of the game. The graphics are fantastic. It still has its issues but it's all minor.

1 list liked by Just_GameStory