Dropped this game so Hard. My Dumb brain now loses concentration so easily in open worlds that are large and empty. I didn't know this game was open world.

Fun driving game. Horizon titles can never disappoint really. My biggest problem is how outside of the fun like "Race a helicopter or boat" the game can become very repetitive within the open world map. Repeating the same trails and roads for different races.

The other favorite Mario party game of mine

The only phone title that still lives on as a great game. I miss the early days of iOs Games

One of my personal favorite Kirby games purely based on nostalgia possibly.

This remaster is not good. It's bad. Not a hot take at all, But just cause it's not a hot take doesn't mean it's not true. The best things about this remake, is introducing new generations to Halo 1, the demo on it for Halo Reach Multiplayer, and the tech within the title to be able to flip-flop between the Combat evolve graphics and the anniversary.

What hasn't been saying about this title? From the lead-up of false marketing, the absolute disregard for fans, and the set-up for the future of halo content that scared away many players.


A very cute game that is a short jaunt of living in a Wheres Waldo book, with a camera in hand.

I played Evil Within and didn't finish it because I didn't personally enjoy the controls of the Survival Horror title. But I enjoyed this one even less with the new style and open world it brought to the table.

A very fun bullet hell with a very anime story that is well told. The game is very bloated with fetch quests and a very strange camera that can make the simplest parkour challenge very infuriating.

A modern Ubisoft game makes my "obsessive craving to see and collect everything" brain really hurt, and makes playing their games almost hurt and soul sucking. Gameplay its more Farcry, the gunplay and enemies haven't changed in years and I swear they just make the maps bigger and bigger.

Adding more gold dabloons didnt make the game any richer.

I genuinely thought this was a fun game when I finally played it. But as most who had an Xbox one, it was swiftly forgotten and lost to time. And practically nearly killed Insomniac Games.

A very fun campaign to just shoot things, with great settings and fun gunplay. Only added to the first one and didn't take anything away.