I never got past the tutorial much like the Cuphead reviewer. And I remember I HATED this title so much when I was 7

I just didnt enjoy controlling this game. I truly did want to enjoy the game for being so well regarded and modern survival horror title.

Sure its borderline broken at moments... but its still a very fun game that I played endlessly. With enough variation in the story and side missions.

The best gameshow/ Wipeout game out there. As a game for service title... its alright!

I rate this 5-star and the new God of War a 5-star purely because they both are masterclasses on each of their respective genres, but also the transformation of the games and stories between these two titles is so amazing and creative.

From a series that doesn't experiment a lot with new playstyles, stories, and themes. This title having a more grounded and subdued epic made for such a different experience from the rest that it stands out on its own. All of the new things it brings in like Stealth and a semi Hubworld aren't perfect and flawed.

This title isn't terrible. It's a good time to play through, and I can respect the story beats it took. but it's not great... for a multitude of reasons.

The father of console shooters. Go watch one of the many video essays on what this game's impact.

More halo, Bigger, Badder, and Better

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The campaign alone would be a 4-star experience purely of the fun gameplay. Its a very nostalgic time acting on your memories of the first few levels of Halo 1 with mysterious mechanical caverns and temples and the green fields of the Ring. Thats where the good compliments stop. Lacking even the simplest things such as a level selection. The levels themselves having a color palette of Green, Blue, and Steel gets monotonous. The story never evolves past anything you could guess from the trailers. And I haven't even touched the multiplayer issues with this entry. All of these problems bring it to a 3 star rating.

I think a re-release of any kind of a classic, is welcome in my book! "
BUT JustaGame!? Remakes of games can ruin the atmosphere and the original games."
I truly think this game has a great remake because of what it does enhance and what it leaves the same. It left the core gameplay UNTOUCHED, meaning all the clunky awkward controls are still there along with the expansive nothingness that can be the exploration of this world. The soundtrack in the game remains mostly untouched which makes only the most since it was masterful when it came out on the Ps2. What was overhauled was the graphics which I personally think was done respectfully when compared to the source material. Any bonus content such as harder modes, mirrored world, collectibles, and time trails only add layers without transforming the base game controls and feel.

"Calm Excitement Will Seize You!" makes for a very boring quarter eater. Barebones Pool simulators are everywhere nowadays, but even back in the 1980's I'm sure most were saying "Why not just play normal pool?".

I did not get it. Not slightly.

Its a more consumable, and easier Breakout. And as a filthy casual I enjoyed it more.

So badly wanted to play and love this game. Coming from creators of Limbo and Inside. But my poor base model Xbox one couldn't handle the damn game, and it crashed my laptop (Its crap to). SO I had to watch a playthrough of it. I wont rate the game since I feel it would be unfair if I did so without actually playing it.

I will also keep my thoughts and ideas of the game to myself. I will just say quickly from what I saw, It had a FANTASTIC art direction and sound design, but lacked in some parts. Making this title of the three not my favorite.