Always heard about this game from a lot of online game reviewers saying stuff that center around the topic of "Massive hidden gem from the OG Xbox era" , so one day I found this game being sold on steam for less than a buck, kinda went "Uh, screw it" bought it and gave it a go Despite the fanfare, I went in with no expectations on this game and what I end up getting was a pretty damn good 3D platformer with some great humor and loads of charm and personality.

Genuinely sucks knowing this game sold poorly back when it released, surely deserved better a for title that feels it got put on a lot of love and effort by its developers.

For less than a dollar? I feel like I stole from Double Fine.

Sony out here really showing us they can still cook some pretty solid 3D platforms and yet for whatever fucking reason they simply won't make more.

Man, what can I say? This is such a wholesome game to experience, the music, the visuals, the charm, getting to build and shape your little island to make it a pleasant spot to be. This one title definetly earns being among one of the best of "Feel Good" games out there.

(Despite giving New Horizons a 5 star rating, I kinda consider New Leaf to be the better game in the series)

A major improvement over the original in everything except the story, genuinely sucks that everything from the middle act to final one felt highly rushed.

Don't consider myself a fan of puzzle games, but this one came off as pretty charming and adorable to keep me playing it, short and sweet.