This game did a number on the Pokémon fanbase and now they're completely fucking scared of remakes.

My boomer dad just bought me this game so he could beat my ass on Old School Street Fighter II.

I see Ultimate as an "Avengers: Endgame" of sorts: The culmination of a franchise, every single character is here, the massive amount of hype it created and the high expectations that are for the most part me. It all ends up leaving you with a "Where the hell are they gonna go from here now?" type of thought and just like the MCU after Endgame, the room is potentially pretty open for dissapointment.

Damn, this game makes want to reenact a keyblade fight in the parking lot of a mall with my best buddy.

Oh nice, this banger album came with a game. Pretty cool.

Duuuude, there's like a... world, that is based on the rural parts of America and dude, the characters in that world? They speak in gibberish that resembles a southern american accent, dude. For real, it doesn't get anymore charming than that.

Ubisoft gaslighted everyone back in 2013 into thinking that Rayman had a bright and promising future when they released this game.

I'll fuckin die for you Prompto, you twinky little shit.

Dude, buddy, pal...there's a character that literally has moans sampled into her main theme. No, I ain't fucking around here.

Yeah, I know P3P is kinda lackluster in terms of story and presentation when compared to vanilla P3 and P3: FES but I'm actually glad this is the way I got to experience Persona 3 for the first time, not because of the exclusive female story or the convenience of this being the only version available at the time in modern consoles but rather, because there is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY I'm heading against the final boss of this game and having to rely on my party members being controlled by the game's AI.

Do people like Black Flag because it's a solid Assassin's Creed game? Or do they like Black Flag because it's a solid pirate's game pretending to be an Assassin's Creed game?

This game is such an oddity, it had a couple of things that were setting it up to be a disaster: having it to be based on a shitty movie adaptation of the original game, having a really short development cycle and getting delayed because the movie was also delayed, yet, the game came out to be surprisingly...fine?

Don't get me wrong, there are things in here that show the rough development of this title, for example, how short this game is (may take you around 5-6 hours to finish the main story), the incohesive story that is build up of poorly stitched gameplay cutscenes and cutscenes taken directly from the movie and the lack of beloved gameplay sections from the series, the arena battles in particular but at its core, we still have that addictive R&C gameplay that made me fell in love with the series, the run and gun, the over the top weapons, the leveling up of said weapons, the platforming, etc. I mean, I still bothered to get the Platinum Trophy.

If you're a fan of the original 2002 title, I advise against playing this one, it completely misses the personality and edge of that game, though I'm not sure if we can blame Insomniac for that, if not Rainmaker, the animation studio in charge of developing the movie.

One may call this a lazy tie-in game for the Ratchet & Clank movie but what it's ironic is that the game is a much more pleasant experience than the movie.

We really failed Titanfall 2 and Respawn by letting this game flop...

Can't believe I'm giving a 4 star rating to a Lego game, nostalgia really got me with this one. If you know the drill when it comes to playing Lego games, you pretty much know what's up with all of them but this one in particular holds a very special place for me (mostly because it was the first one that I had as a kid).

If the entirety of the Star Wars franchise was burning in a building, this could probably the only piece of SW media that I'll bother to save.

14 years on the wait, the director being torned between the production of multiple projects, a switch of game engine mid-development and finally I can say that Kingdom Hearts II is still the best KH game.