ace combat ranked

Nothing here!

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
narrative should tank this below 5 but it remembers to be an ace combat game at least

thinking about this game again where no one will read it. how did they fuck up having an old man dark souls enemy ace, man. his theme sounds like a jet engine starting up at the beginning. fuck we could have had it all. but yeah i mean at least that soundtracks absolutely incredible even if id rather be playing other ACs. sol squadron, archange, magic spear, daredevil, faceless soldier, all certified bangers. yadda yadda narrative bad etc but seriously if the missiles in this game werent so goddamn dumb it'd be a 3/5 for sure
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Air Combat
Air Combat
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception
Ace Combat 2
Ace Combat 2


1 year ago

If I had to play one today..?

1 year ago

i think you would be really fond of electrosphere

1 year ago

OH but goes without saying you'll have to get the english patch for the jpn version, the original western release is essentially a different (and much, much less interesting) game

1 year ago

Gotcha, will report back in time due time :D

Funny I had a feeling you wouldn't say the Belkan War even though I'd seen it pop-up in a few places.

1 year ago

belkan war is every bit as good and thematically well-considered as 3 i think, and i think it’s even the better game mechanically, but electrosphere is absolutely ahead of its time and i think its aesthetic would click with you
'Transparent Blue' from Electrosphere is literally one of the single greatest tracks in gaming history. Nice list dude

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