play the english patch. this is one of the most ambitious games of its era and would be one of the most revered PS1 games of all time had it been localized by agness kaku, as was originally intended. perfect UI design, sleek aesthetics and extremely considered plane designs, cold and callous electronic sounds - one of those games where everything is designed with attention to detail. featuring a plot laden in transhumanism, corporate warfare, interpersonal drama, and a harsh futurist atmosphere, this is one of the all-time great 90s works of cyberpunk. it's a little on the easier side for my liking, even on its hardest difficulty, but there's really nothing else like it. this was a strong influence for yoko taro and co. in developing drakengard, with influences extending even to nier's development, and it shows. you'll never get better than this, i'm not apologizing

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2020


1 year ago

"This video isn't available anymore because who sent it ended their YouTube account"


1 year ago

damn. good looking out though, ive replaced it w the only analogous video available on youtube