Darkness 2 is a massive change to its predecessor, dropping the gritty, moody semi open world for a cell shaded first person shooter like carnage. The changes are welcome and fit the tendril gameplay but towards the end gets a bit repetitive. After moving straight to the vendetta campaign I found myself mindlessly playing. That’s when I knew I did my time.

The game started so strong, very heavy on the story and mechanics. I loved the feel of the combat and that PlayStation rpg feel but….. then that was just it. The story never got clear and the missions just got more frustrating as they expected you to farm characters prior to advancing. This is not how you pace a game. I was happy with my time but could not stomach finishing it past the 4th chapter.

Played with my partner watching and helping with the item management. Made it a lot more fun. I get why it’s so popular but don’t understand the pedestal it lives on. Yes the game is fun and the setting is amazing but damn is the story mid. Overall it was a great experience though if you don’t focus on the small negatives.

Such a shame. On starting I had high hopes, enjoying the movement and simplistic approach. Until I was flooded with escort missions and unwanted travelling. Soon the controls become a hinderance, running into every enemy and wall during dog fights.

This game was okay. A rougelite introducing pinball elements to freshen up gameplay. Unfortunately the levels are quite samey with flat enemies excluding the bosses. After one completed run I was certain I saw all the game had to offer.

Was not expecting a game of this stature to have such a large impact. The gameplay is simple yet engaging, with a nice steady pace that doesn’t overstay its welcome. With each progressing day you see the world deteriorating due to the actions of man. Showing a heavy take on pollution and the decline of planet earth. A must play in my opinion.

Nothing to write home about but does a serviceable job at creating fun in an over saturated genre. Friends are essential in this multiplayer. What’s stopping this for being better is the boring overall design and terrible free to play model.

Such a cozy game. As the name entails, it’s a short hike. Took me no longer then an hour to reach the top of the peak but I stayed for its charming music and fun gameplay. A nice little refresher between games.


This game was torture. An RPG with all the wrong choices. Slow movement, boring story, fetch quests galore, unwarranted difficulty to the point of wanting to end it all. The game is ugly to look at which also doesn’t help. The leveling is not rewarding and the more the put into a skill, the more it costs so by the end of it you use all 10 points to level up your skill ONCE! BUT for some reason I couldn’t stop playing and finished it.

A nice quick little run and gun that doesn’t take itself seriously. For a sequel I find it lacking compared to the first game, taking a more open world approach. The comedy dialogue got in the way of the games speed but was an obvious choice to help bolster the game.

This game is extremely hard. However this a positive. Naming your characters and trying not to lose them is a constant battle that makes each fight memorable. The art style is unique with its dark undertones and eery designs. I wish I was better at this game as it is so much fun when playing with a friend.

Hard to critique a game that was made to test the waters for the full thing to come. As a prequel it delivers in a serviceable story and unique visuals but falls flat once you realise the repetitive ‘fetch quests’ and same monsters do not change. A good taste to what’s to come with hopes of improvement.

This game was a dumpster fire. Think left 4 dead but take everything that made it great and destroy it. Gameplay is boring, missions are shallow husks, sound and overall design is ugly.
It pretty much felt like a fan made left 4 dead mod made on a totally different game. I can’t believe I finished it.

A serviceable walking simulator adding a bit more interaction. The horror aspect is a welcome change in the genre. A few good jumpscares for a weakling such as myself but overall not that scary due to slow pacing, average graphics and god awful voice acting. The most enjoyable aspect was finding all the collectibles with the extra star given just for the Bioshock inspirations.

A nice mix between tony hawk pro skater and a 3rd person shooter. The arcade like gameplay is enjoyable and enhanced with its cell shaded graphics. After the first few levels it does become a bit repetitive but is a nice pace of gameplay for a night. Wouldn’t put too much time into it as the challenges hinder the experience.